Chapter 18♡

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(Pheobe's P.O.V)

I was trying to sleep, but I couldn't. Our little girl kept kicking me. It was nice to feel her move. I was really nervous for my blood tests tomorrow. What if something was already wrong with our precious little girl? Finn came into our bedroom. "Hey gorgeous." He kissed me. I looked at him. "I love you Finn Tutolua." He smiled at me."I love you too Pheobe Baker."

As he slipped into bed next to me, he held my hand. "We need a date night before she arrives." Feeling a light squeeze, he agreed. "I could organise something." He asked me what I would prefer. "A night in or a night away?" I blushed as he looked at me.. "A night in. It's only because I'm the size of a house!' Giggling, he kissed me. "I think you look beautiful.' Talking to him about our baby's name, we spoke about her middle name. "Well I love Annalise. It just sounds pretty.' Finn looked up at me. "I like it too. "Harper Annalise Baker.' Saying it sounded right. "Harper Annalise Tutuola.' I liked that as well. "I think Mom has fell asleep. She's so lovely. Helping us out.' Finn then asked me if I miss my dad. "I do. It's just my mom and I. To think that he would of become a granddad. He would of spoiled her so much."

He then gave me another foot massage. "That feels.. so good." Closing my eyes, I giggled. Finn was my forever. I just loved him. "Do you know how much I love you Finn?" He said he had an idea.. "too much?" I hit him playfully. After he had finished with his lovely foot massage, he fell asleep. Stroking his cheek, I heard my phone. It was Amanda.

You okay?💕

Texting her back, I felt another flutter..

Yes I'm fine thanks. Got a blood test regarding our little bug. It's just to check if anything is wrong such as medical condtions or any differences. I'm a little bit nervous, but no matter what happens, our little girl will be loved regardless.💜 I hope Carisi and the girls are okay. Xx

She texted me back..

Ahhh. I really hope that goes well. I'm sure everything will be okay. I'm so happy for the two of you. Keep me updated. We are all good thankyou. Xx

Putting my phone on the bedside table, I turned the bedside light off.

(Nina's P.O.V)

Giving my son another call, he didn't pick up. I was really concerned about him. Simon stood near the bedroom door. "He did seem upset when I dropped him off." He then sat beside me. "He will want to us see soon. We need to think about how we will tell him." I told Simon that he was his real father. "I don't doubt that for a second baby. I think we should tell him the truth.' I agreed. "I just  love him so much, that it hurts. I'm so sorry for lashing out at you too. I didn't mean it.' He hugged me. "I just want us to be okay. I know that Axel is 13 now, but I just want to protect him.' Si took me into his arms..

"He hardly knows a thing about what happened to me. What if he ends up going on a rampage? He might just explode.." Simon comforted me. "We will help him through it. I love you baby." Feeling his lips on mine, I smiled at him. "Thankyou." He said it was okay. "Do you have any more ideas for the wedding?" He said that he did. "Here is a idea for us guys.' He showed me. "I love the colour Si. It looks really good. You guys will look so handsome.' He kissed me. I loved him too much. Our anniversary was next week. We had been together for at least a year now. Now, we were engaged. "What would you like to do for that?" He nestled his neck into mine.. making me blush. "I might treat you to a meal, go out for drinks and dance the night away.' Simon kissed me..

"I can arrange that.." Simon was really sweet. "I'll organise a place to have drinks though handsome." He took my hand. "Goodness me.. I can't wait to marry you."

(Alex's P.O.V)

After showering, Tyler was stood outside his bedroom door. "Hey mom." I smiled at him. "Hey sweetie. Are you okay?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Could I talk to you in a bit?" I kissed his cheek. "Of course." Continuing to sort myself out, I thought about what to do regarding Zack. Seeing him really distressed worried me. His brother didn't excatly know the extent of his stress either. Spraying perfume on myself, I knocked on Tyler's bedroom door. "I'm ready to listen now baby." Heading downstairs, I asked him if he wanted some food. "I'd like some ice cream please. Gran made soup for dinner earlier on.' Mom had popped out. Getting two spoons, I opened up the tub. As Tyler got some on his spoon, he looked at me. "Sorry if I've been quiet. I just don't know what to say.' I asked him about what.. "About Dad acting the way he did.' I nodded. "I feel lost Mom. I just stopped talking because when I was younger, Dad just hurt you. And I felt stuck in the middle." I rubbed his shoulder. "Zack has been feeling off for months Mom. Did you and Dad start seeing one another again after you broke up with him?"

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