Chapter 48♡

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(Nina's P.O.V)

As I was looking at my notes from my first session with Tayah, I heard my partner shout for our son. 'Axel!' Simon had been in a bit of a bad mood recently and it was concerning. As he came downstairs, he sat at the table. 'Yeah?' Turning around, Axel had a few bruises.. 'Baby.. what's happened?' Getting a first aid kit, Simon looked at him. 'What.. you don't want to explain why you didn't call me last night as you sneaked out past your curfew?' Cleaning up his face, he stayed quiet. How did I miss this? I must of been asleep. 'No. Not really.' Axel was clearly  feeling upset. 

The other night..

(Axel's P.O.V)

my friend had texted me saying that he was having a party. I was so over being at home at the moment. I just couldn't get my head around what Mom had told me. About Simon. About what had happened to her. About me.  My mates were concerned about me. This idiot called Matt had been saying rude stuff to others about me and it was SO frustrating. Checking that there wasn't any noise, I got my backpack. Opening my bedroom window, I jumped out. Heading towards the subway. I saw that it was 8pm. Putting my phone on silent, I went to Jackson's house. 'Hey.' As he let me in, he asked if I wanted a drink. 'Nah. I'm good thanks.' He then asked what was up. 'Matt has been saying stuff about you.' Jackson looked nervous. What EXCATLY has he been saying?' Jackson told me. 'He said that you've come from a broken home and that your mom doesn't deserve happiness. Oh, and he called you an idiot and that you're going to turn out like your real dad.' I felt anger rise up inside of me. As the party got bigger and bigger, I saw him walk in with his friends. I also saw Lexi. She was a girl that I sort of had a crush on. 'Hey Axel.' I took my drink.. staring into space. 'Hey.' I was that angry inside that I couldn't even talk. As he walked past me, he patted my shoulder. 'Do. Not. Pat. Me.' He smirked. Getting up, he said that my mom was a bitch. 'What did you just say?' As he turned around, he said it again. 'Your mom is a bitch!' I pushed him. 'HEY MATT! Don't do that!' Lexi jumped to my defense. 'I also said that you've come from a broken home.' Jackson told me to walk away. 'Ax. Man. he's not worth it. Come on.' I just looked at him. 'You know what.. you deserve every thing you get. No one even likes you.' I pushed Matt over and over again. He punched me. Blood was dotted all over my face. Everyone around us gasped..

'Let me get you some ice with a few towels.' Lexi got the supplies as Jackson told everyone to go home. Lexi then placed the towel over my face.. 'Ow..' She said sorry. 'I'm sorry. Matt is an idiot.' I smiled at her. 'It's okay.. my head is all over the place at the moment.' 

'Oh Axel..' Mom looked worried. 'I couldn't just stand there and take it Mom. I had to defend you.' She then said that I should never fight back. 'You should of told me. Your dad only cares and as for your curfew..' Rolling my eyes, Dad said not to do that. 'Why? I can do whatever I want to do.. it's not like things are any better are they? Two ordinary parents.. oh wait, my mom went through something so awful to the point where she had to keep questioning if she was actually ready to parent me. And then you come along!' Mom then tried to hug me.. 'No Mom.. I just wanna be on my own for a bit. Can I go and see Auntie Olivia?' She said yes. I got my backpack and left. 'How did he even come in that late anyway? Why didn't you tell me?' Hearing Mom, I texted Auntie Olivia. 

Mom said that I could come over. See you soon. I love you x

She texted me back.

That's okay. See you soon xx

As I walked to get a bus, my phone alerted me to say that I had a text.

Axel. Please. Talk to me baby. Xx

I just didn't really want to talk to Mom right now. Getting on the bus, I put my phone in my bag.

(Nina's P.O.V)

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