Chapter 57♡

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(Alex's P.O.V)

I was laying in bed when I heard my phone buzz. Will was calling me! I was racked with nerves. Sitting up, I answered it. "Hi." He said it back. "How are you?" I said that I was fine. "How are you?" He then said that he was good too. "Are things okay?" Nodding, I tried to stop that familiar feeling of butterflies from exploding into my stomach.. why was it so difficult for me to talk to him? Because you're experiencing liking someone again!  "Yes. Things are good for me right now. Work is getting busier though."

He laughed. "Tell me about it. I'm going through new patient referrals every day." Giggling, I asked him what he was doing. "I'm just watching some sports and I'm alright thankyou. I went to see my daughters earlier on." It was so refreshing to hear a guy talk about his family. 'Ahh that's nice. Do you enjoy spending time with them?" He said yes. "It's strange how much they've grown. Both of them have children so I'm a grandpa." I congratulated him. "That's lovely." He told me more about them. "Well, Connor is 8 years old. He's very funny. And polite. He loves animals. Willow is 7 and she adores coloring.' Giggling, I said that was sweet. "He also loves chocolate cake." He asked more about me. "Well, I have a younger sister. She's really nice. And I currently still live with my mom." Will said that must be nice. "It is. My mom has helped me and the boys through a lot." Looking at the time, my digital clock read 12am. "How are you doing though Alex?" I said that I was fine. I truly was. I felt happy. 

"Well, that's good. I had better get some sleep." I said that I would text him tomorrow. "Ahh okay. Goodnight." Once I had put my phone on the bedside table, I tried to sleep. I felt calm. I felt happy. I could tell that Zack and Tyler were still getting through things.. but both of them were being really strong.

(Phoebe's P.O.V)

It was 7pm. It felt like it was much, much later. I was exhausted. Finn was making a drink for the both of us. Harper had just gone to sleep. She keeps crying.. both of us have no idea why. I feed her at the correct times, she's always changed. "Here's your coffee baby." Thanking him, he sat beside me. "My goodness, she's so cute.' Kissing Finn, he smiled at me. "I love you." He said that he really appreciated me. "I do. You're amazing. You're smashing as a mom. Harper is so lucky to have you." I smiled. "She's lucky to have you too." Smiling, I turned on the tv. I was watching a movie when I heard snoring.. looking at Finn, I kissed his cheek. He was a great dad. He was constantly praising me. It felt good. 

He was always up for entertaining her. I heard him singing to her sometimes..  it was so adorable. I was thinking about going on another walk soon, but taking Harper with me. Nadine was saying that would be good. Hearing my phone, I saw Liv's name pop up. "Hey. How are you?" She was so sweet. "Hi. I'm alright thankyou. I'm just sat here with Harper and my man." Olivia said that was nice. "I'm just finishing up at the precint. It has been the longest day." Asking her how it was, she said it has been hard. "The things we see shouldn't happen to anyone.." I told her that she was doing a fab job. "So, how's the little cutie pie?" She adored Harper. All of the ladies did. "She's really good thankyou. She's just gone off to sleep. Me and Finn are just wondering when it will be safe to go to sleep.  She giggled. "Does she cry easily?" I said yes and no. "She's quite a content little one. It depends on how she's feeling. She just loves sleep." Liv said that was normal. "Aw. Well that's good. And you and Finn are alright?" I said that we were fine.

"We'll organise another girl's day soon." I said that would be amazing. "Goodnight Liv." Finn said hi to her. Telling her to say hi to the kids for us, she said that she would. After her phone call, I sat up.. "I'm going to shower. I need some energy.' Finn kissed me. His lips were so soft.. he was so sweet. Kissing him back, I said that I was going to check on Harper. Heading into her bedroom, I just placed my hand on her cot. She was so well behaved. She only ever cried when she needed feeding or when she was feeling tired. I could stare at her for ages. She looked like me.. She had beautiful dark brown hair. Her eyes were dreamy. She was really ours. Stroking her cheek, I looked around her bedroom. She was a couple of weeks old and she was just growing so fast. Her bedroom was full of shades.. pink, cream.. it was so cute and girly.

Kissing her on the forehead, I left her bedroom door open. Getting some pyjamas out, I took my top off. Looking at my scar, my finger ran along it.. she really came out of me! I felt like a superwoman.. I was a cop and a mum. Switching the shower on, I let the water run before getting in. Washing myself, I thought about what Nadine had said. Taking time out was good for myself as well. I was getting there. Weird thoughts popped into my head occasionally.. like what if I something went wrong with Harper and I left her somewhere? What if I got paranoid?

Letting the cold water splash my face, I woke up. I had to know that it was okay to not be okay. Washing the rest of my body, I used the coconut shower gel. The smell of it was gorgeous. Once I was finished, I dried off. I heard my phone. It was my boss. "Hi Richard. How are you?" He said that he was fine. "Hi. I was calling you to check in. How are you doing?" Wrapping the towel around my body, I said that I was good. "I'm alright thanks boss." He asked me if I needed anything. "I'm good. Thankyou though." He then said that he couldn't wait to meet Harper. "I've known you for a long time Phoebe and you're a good employee." I loved my job. "Thanks boss." He said to enjoy my time off. 'I sure will." Once I had finished the call, I picked out the cream that I was going to use.

Sitting on the bed, I thought about Liv and Elliot's wedding. I knew that it was going to be beautiful. The two of them are so suited and their love for each other is so sweet to witness. "Babe..." I smiled. My man is everything!🥰 "hey." Seeing him standing by the bedroom door, he asked me if I was okay. "You look gorgeous.." he was always complimenting me. "Thanks." Putting on a top with some jogging bottoms, Finn kissed me. "You're very handsome." He thanked me.

"I'm gonna take a shower and then I'll be back." Just getting into bed, I exhaled. Peace and quiet. Hearing my phone, I saw Alex put a message in the group chat.. 

I have just been on the phone to Will. He's so easy to talk to! I'm still nervous though. x

It was exciting for her. Will sounded like he was lovely. It was normal for her to feel nervous. We were happy that she was healing. Sure it would take time, but she was getting there. 'Pheebs!' Heading into the bathroom, I asked Finn what was up. 'Nothing's up.. I just wanted your company.' Blushing, I told him that he was goofy. 'You're so in love with me.' As he giggled, he splashed water over me. 'Oh god Finn!' I dried off, then I went back into our bedroom. Replying to Alex's text, I advised her. 

Do some deep breathing. That helps. You're doing so well. Remember that it is okay to feel nervous. x

Snuggling up in bed, I put the monitor on my side of the bed. I found myself drifting off to sleep. I heard Finn walking into the bedroom. 'Shh.. i'll be quiet Pheebs. Go back to sleep.' I hadn't had a proper sleep in ages. It felt good to just feel like I could rest. 

(Amanda's P.O.V)

Me and Carisi were going over the legal documents regarding Jessie and Billie. 'You will officially become their dad.'  Carisi smiled. 'I can't believe it. I never thought that me and the girls would be happy.' Carisi reassured me. 'You will always be so special to me.' The fact that we were also considering fostering Matteo was a big step as well, but it's what we wanted to do. Once Carisi had signed the documents, he put them on the side table in the corner. 'That's it. I will drop them off tomorrow.' I turned to look at him.. he placed his arms around me. 'Thankyou for loving me and my girls. You really are amazing.' He thanked me. 'For what?' He said for just loving him. 'I love how my sister and mom adore you. And i'm so thankful for you.' I gave him a soft kiss. 'Do you wanna head upstairs?' He yawned. 'Yep. I'm tired.'

When we went upstairs, we heard the girls. 'I love my bridesmaid dress. It's stunning. And we're going to have new hairstyles! Eeek!' I loved how excited they were just as much as us. We have decided to have a destination wedding. We decided on Mexcio. So, that was exciting. Undressing, I heard Carisi laughing. "I'm just texting Finn. He's telling us about something that he's planning for Phoebe." Squealing, I asked him if he could tell me. "No I can't. Otherwise, you'll tell the girls." She gasped. "I'm not that bad. I can keep secrets."  As I showered, I smiled. It was lovely seeing Pheebs so happy. And Finn too. I wondered how my sister was doing. She and Adam had been pretty quiet lately. But it wasn't a bad thing.

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