Chapter 14♡

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(Pheobe's P.O.V)

"Right! Babe!' Finn came upstairs. "Yep?" I asked him what outfit he liked. "It's for the baby brunch tomorrow." He sat down on the bed. Changing into each option, he wolf whistled at me. "You're too gorgeous Pheebs." I said that he was handsome. "You're going to the best father to our little sunshine."

Showing him option 1, his eyes lit up. I was now 12 weeks and my figure had changed a lot.

"This is beautiful baby. The colour suits you too. I like this one." Looking in the mirror, I took a picture. Finn placed his head on my shoulder. Taking a few silly pictures, he giggled. "I am handsome right?" I turned to look at him. "Yes you are.' Getting changed into the next option, we heard the front door. "It's only me!' Finn smiled. "I'll make some tea for your mom." As he went downstairs, I changed into the next outfit.

"Finn! Mom!" As they came upstairs, I told them to close their eyes. "Open!" They both gasped. "Sweetheart. You look fabulous." Kissing Mom's cheek, she hugged me. "Thanks." Finn said I looked radiant.

"Thankyou." Hearing Mom's phone, she squealed. "I'll be back in a minute."

(Olivia's P.O.V)

I was over at Nina's apartment organizing things for tomorrow. Alex had texted me saying that something had happened with Zack. But, she said that she would be there tomorrow. "Yep. So I've got the cupcakes sorted. Then, I've got decorations to sort out and I'm thinking that we could organise a little quiz and games for her as well.' I said that sounded really good. "How is Elliot?"

I blushed. "He's gotten hotter. I can't wait to have him home for a bit tomorrow. But, he's loving his new job." Nina giggled. "You two are couple goals!' I smiled. "How are the kids?'

"Ari is fantastic. She's doing well in her recovery process. She's not having as many nightmares and she's not asked for her substitute medication.' Nina said that was really good news. "I know. She's having the occasional nightmare, but she's not running out of the front door every 5 minutes. Me and Elliot can actually sleep at night.' She asked how Paige and Caleb were.

"Those two are good too. Caleb is just growing up. He's always doing his own thing. He's well behaved. Him being 13 is challenging though. He's not exactly up for listening sometimes. Paige is so bubbly. We just love her."

I saw my best friends expression change.. "Has something gone wrong with Axel?" She spoke about it..

"He seemed so off. It was strange. Me and Simon did talk about it. He's gone to stay with my mum and dad for a few days. I just feel so bad.' I reassured her. "He loves you and my brother. He sees Simon as his father.'

'How do you feel though?" As we sorted out the little gift bags, she spoke. "I feel okay. I told Simon to leave me alone, but he didn't. I feel better in the sense that he does want to be around me." She looked at her engagement ring. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him." I said that I was happy. "I've never seen him so content." Nina agreed. "Right, that's all the gift bags done.' Placing them in the corner, we decorated little boxes. 'She's going to adore this.' We were going to put little encouraging notes in it for her. We heard a knock on the front door. 'Oh. That must be Melinda.' Opening it, she said hi to us both. 'Hi!' She hugged me. 'How are you two?' Asking her if she wanted a drink, she said yes. 'I'm great thanks. Are you excited to become a grandma?' She said yes. 'Oh, I can't wait.' Nina gave her the glass. 'Thank you.' She asked if the other ladies were coming. 'Oh yes. They will be. Amanda has let me know. Faye will be coming too. So will Evie." Melinda then said that she'll bring Phoebe.

"This is a lovely thing that you're doing ladies." We smiled at her. "Right, I shall see you tomorrow." As we said bye to her, my phone rang. "It's Elliot." As I went into the hallway, I asked him if he was safe. "Yep. I'm okay babe. I'll be home tonight. For the weekend." I said that was great. "I'll see you tonight. I love you." I said that I loved him too.

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