Chapter 53♡

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(Nina's P.O.V)

Heading home, I thought about the wedding. I had to sit down and plan some more. Parking up the car, I let myself in. "Hey." Seeing my man smile, I walked over and kissed him. "Hello gorgeous." I blushed. Sitting next to him, he asked how the birthday dinner was. "It was so lovely." He apologised for not being there. "I was just so tired babe." I said that it was okay. "How's our son?" He said that he was fine. "He's upstairs watching tv." Asking if both of them ate, he said yes. "I boiled some pasta and made some creamy sauce." I kissed him. "You're perfect." He nodded. "I'm going to go up, have a shower and then I'll be back for cuddles." Heading upstairs, I knocked on Axel's bedroom door. "Hey sweetie." I kissed his cheek. "Hey Mom. How was the dinner?" I said that it was really good. "Everyone missed you." He asked if we could talk. "I didn't mean for the incident to happen. I just had to defend you." Giving him a hug, I reassured him. "You will always be really important to us. I know that you didn't mean to do that." He smiled. He looked so much like me. "Did you have a nice time anyway?" He said that he did. "I spent time with this girl called Lexi. She's really nice Mom." I smiled. "Mom.. you're doing that weird thing where you act all excited.." I giggled. "I'm not.. I'm just surprised that you've told me that." As she kissed my cheek, she asked me if I was okay. "I'm fine. I promise."

Leaving him in his bedroom, I went to have a shower. Getting undressed, I thought about the wedding. I wanted to see if we could have a dark sage, green color scheme. My bruises had completely healed which was great. Simon and I were having deeper conversations about what had happened to me. He knew that I had boundaries. He just listened to me. Once I had finished, I wrapped the towel around my body. Drying my hair, I heard my phone. It was Alex.

"Hey. How are you?" Putting it on speaker, she said that she was really good. "I have therapy tomorrow and I'm feeling really nervous." Listening to her some more, she told me her reasons for why she felt nervous, I empathized with her. "I just can't get my head around the fact that I'm still struggling with trusting someone." She had been telling us that she was getting to know Will. He already sounded so lovely. "The thing I will say is, attending therapy does help. You're already doing so well. It's alright to feel nervous." She thanked me. "That's okay. You're one of my friends. We all just want what is best for you and your sons Alex." She then asked me how things were with me, Axel and Simon.

"Things are really good thankyou. Him and Simon are spending more time together and we are starting to plan the wedding a bit more now." She squealed. "That's exciting. When are you thinking about taking us to go dress shopping?" I then said that I would schedule it for one weekend when I'm not working. She asked me how work is going. "I love it. It's good when you're helping people." Alex said it is good. "You're doing so well." I then asked her how things were going with Will. 'He's.. normal!' I giggled. 'Well, that's sweet. I can understand why you would say that he's normal.  We can tell that you are starting to like him though.' She giggled. "it's been a few weeks.. he's just so lovely. I've never experienced this niceness before.." I was so happy for her.

"I can understand. It's a bit weird. You deserve this though." She said that she would organise a girl's night soon. "We'll go out somewhere." I said that sounded fab. "Talk to you soon!" Heading downstairs, I heard my phone alert me with a message.


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