Chapter 43♡

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(Jason's P.O.V)

As I got ready, I heard my little brother. "Mom? Would you  like some help?" I couldn't believe that Blake was eleven years old. "Yes please darling." As he went to help her, I got ready. Getting my backpack, I opened it. I put in my card, some sweets, a DVD and a bracelet. I had gone out and brought a present for her with some pocket money that I had saved up. Heading downstairs, I saw Blake helping Mom. "She's so tiny." Blake already adored her. "She is sweetie." Watching them, I smiled. "Right, I'll see you both later on." Kissing Mom on the cheek, she said to say hi to Ariel. "I will Mom." She also said to have a good time. "I will." As I left, I got a text. It was from Ariel.

Hey! I cannot wait for you to see your surprise!!! I also can't wait to see you!💛

Texting her back, I got on the bus.

Ahhh! You're so sweet. What is the surprise?😁

Waiting for my stop, I thought about my brother and my new little sister. Ava was so cute. She was so tiny. Getting off, I walked up the road. Reaching her apartment building, I buzzed the number. As the door opened, I went upstairs. Knocking on the front door, I heard her voice. "Hi." I kissed her cheek. "Hey!" She hugged me. She seemed more comfortable which was lovely.

As I put my backpack down, she instructed me. "Close your eyes pleaseeee!" I did just that as I heard her rushing about..

"Nearly there.." She then told me to open my eyes..

"Babe, this looks amazing!" He hugged me. "Do you really think so?" He nodded. As we sat on the couch together, he asked me what movie we were going to watch. "I've chosen Five Feet Apart.  If that's okay?" He got comfortable on the couch. "That's fine with me. He also noticed the little tray of treats. "You're so cute." I blushed a little bit. "Thanks. Sitting next to him, I put the movie on. 'Is it alright if I can put my arm around you?' I said yes. As he did, I looked at him. 'You're amazing.' He said the same thing to me too. As the movie started, we just chilled. I felt safe with him. He had a pretzel. He crunched it which made me giggle. 'This is nice.' He agreed. I also had to give him his surprise. 

'Where are you going? Would you like me to pause the movie?' I said yes. As I went up to my bedroom, I saw the gift bag in the corner of my bedroom. I took it downstairs. 'Hey.' I placed it on the carpet. 'Is this for me?" I nodded.

As he opened the bag, I took my phone and pressed record. "Ahhhh, I love this!" I had brought him a intial keyring. I had also purchased a new set of paints for him too. "I love these." He did mention that he wanted to start painting again.

"Would you like anything else?" He said no. "I'm just happy that I'm here with you."

(Olivia's P.O.V)

Elliot had taken me out for food which was lovely. "I cannot wait to see Cragen next week. It'll be so nice to catch up." Elliot agreed as he sipped his beer. "It will be. Munch will also love the kids. He loved meeting Caleb when he was little." We spoke more about the wedding. "Have you thought about anything else that you'd like?" He said that he had something for the boys. "Just something small to say thankyou." I smiled.

"You're so caring." As we ate our food,  he said that he'd taken a look at some suits as well. "I just need to ask the guys when we can go out looking." We spoke about the kids..

"Caleb has been okay I think. He's still struggling. We just have to keep an eye on him." Liv was right. I could tell that my son wasn't himself. He was good at not being okay. But hopefully him changing schools will make a huge difference." I agreed with Elliot. "I just want him to be happy." I agreed. "Paige is just her own person. She's so happy babe." I giggled. "She's definitely all you Liv." I smiled. 'I know.' We said that Ariel was so happy too. 'She's improved so much.' As we ordered dessert, we spoke about where we would like to go for a honeymoon. "I'd love to head off to Bali or the Maldives."

Elliot then said that sounded great. "Just the two of us. That sounds lovely." After we had paid for dinner, we headed home.

"The kids should be alright for two weeks without us right?" I laughed. "I think so babe." As we got in the car, Elliot drove home..

"Do you actually understand how  beautiful you are?" I blushed as he looked at me. "You're very sweet Stabler." As he parked the car, I saw Ariel sitting on the couch. "She's so safe with Jason babe." He agreed. Letting ourselves in, we said hi. "Hey Mom." As she kissed my cheek, I said hi to Jason. "How are you Ms Benson?" He was so kind. And polite. "I'm good thankyou. How's your mom, brother and little sister?" He said that they were good. "My mom is okay. She's still struggling.." I asked him if she wanted to talk to someone.

"I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know." Ariel then told me that Jason had given her a present. "Look." I gasped. "This is so beautiful!' She then hugged him. 'Thankyou for my gifts. I really like them.' She kissed his cheek. 'Thankyou for having me.' As he left, Elliot hugged his daughter. 'It was nice to see you too Mr Stabler.' He was so kind. 

'Right, I am going to have a shower and then I'll text Ria and Amber.' As she went upstairs, I heard my phone. It was Alex. 'I'm going to make a cup of tea. You go up baby.' Elliot was perfect. 

(This was the gift from Jason for Ariel.♡)

(This is how I visualized Ariel and Jason's date night for their anniversary!)

(And I chose this movie as it so sweet.. sad, but sweet!)

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