Chapter 37♡

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Author's Note:

I'm going to explore the possibility of Pheobe suffering from PND with Harper. I will do my best to research as much as I can. I love to explore important topics for my stories.


(Pheobe's P.O.V)

I was up early with Harper as it was Finn's turn to rest. Sitting in her bedroom, I held her. She was just so cute. I could stare at her all day. My boss at Internal Affairs had sent me a text message saying congratulations. To tell the truth, I'd not been feeling myself for a while. I'd been feeling quite irritable. Finn had noticed too. The girls had texted me.. but I'd not replied. What would I say?
Cuddling my baby, she gurgled.. was I going crazy?

As she cried, I started crying.. "What's wrong baby? Ahh.. shh... shhh.." Tears ran down my cheeks... I couldn't think about what she needed. Finn then knocked on her bedroom door. "Hey." Wiping my tear away, he asked me what was wrong. "Nothing. I'm fine." Harper kept crying.. "Aw baby girl.. what do you need hey?" Finn stroked her cheek. I handed her over to him. Running downstairs, I got a glass of water. "Pheebs! Pheebs!" Drinking the water, I continued to cry.. I heard the front door open. It was Mom. She couldn't know anything..

"Hey sweetheart. I thought that I'd get a few bits in." Turning around, she kissed my cheek. "Did my darling granddaughter get some sleep last night?" I yawned. "Dunno." As I stood near the stairs, Mom noticed that my eyes were red. "Pheobe.. what's wrong?' I ran upstairs, shut the bedroom door. I just cried. Letting tears stain my cheeks.. 

I just wanted to be on my own. My phone buzzed several times..


Hey Pheebs. I'm just checking in to see how you and Harper are doing. I've not heard from you for a few days.

Hey Pheobe. I'm just seeing if you're okay. I hope that you, Finn and Harper are alright. Xx.


Hey Pheobe. I'm just dropping you a text as you ran on my mind. Xxx

Putting my phone in the bedside draw, I continued to cry. Why was I feeling like this?

I heard Mom..

"Finn.. how long has she been feeling like this?" I heard him say that he didn't know.. I'd been feeling like this for a few weeks.. I'd just decided not to tell anyone. I loved my little girl so much.. but what if I was going to let her down? I felt so sad. And empty.

Hearing a knock on the bedroom door, I heard my little girl crying.. I'd not even succeeded at breastfeeding her yet. The noise of her crying was giving me a headache.. "Maybe I should call a doctor.." I groaned. "Sweetie.. let me in. Please." Clasping my hands together, I just let tears stain my face. I heard my phone again. It was a text from Nina..

Hey Pheobe,

Are you alright?xx

Mom knocked on the door. I sat up in bed.. "Come in." She saw my face and walked over to me. Hugging me. "I.. don't know what's wrong with me. I can't seem to just love Harper." Mom asked what I needed. "I need to be alone." Mom then said that she was here. Sitting quietly, I just cried. Looking at my phone, I saw missed calls. Pulling the duvet over me, I slowly fell asleep..

"Finn.. can you just keep an eye on Harper please?" Nudging him, he said yes. Heading outside, I saw the leaves swaying on the tree.. I'd been feeling weird lately.. I'd not been spending enough time with her. I was just so sleep deprived. Yawning, I felt drops of rain. Heading indoors, I went upstairs. Knocking on our bedroom door, I popped my head in. He was so comfortable with her. "Daddy has a very important job. He works with your uncle Carisi and Auntie Amanda. Also, your Auntie Olivia is a badass." I giggled at that.

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