Chapter 52♡

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(Ariel's P.O.V)

Sitting next to Jason, I looked at his little sister. "She's so cute." Allison said that she was. "The boys adore her." Getting a menu, I saw two other people.. was that Ria and Amber? Paige nudged me. "Ow!" She said sorry. "Happy belated birthday bestie!" As they ran over to hug me, I smiled "Aw, you didn't have to buy anything for me." They both said that they did. As we all sat down, I looked at what to order.. "I fancy a nice pepperoni pizza." Caleb smiled. "With fries?" Paige giggled. "Yes sis." I then asked Amber and Ria what was going on with them as everyone else ordered their food. "Well, Jared and I are still talking." Smiling, I said that I was pleased for her. "He's just really sweet." Amber said that she was focusing on herself. "I think it's important since.." We both comforted her.

"Hey.. hey babygirl." Uncle Finn was adorable with Harper. "She's so cute." As I asked Jason what he was having to eat along with Blake, I felt his hand slip into mine.💜 "We might have the cheesy pasta." As they ordered, I asked Uncle Finn how he was. "I'm really good thankyou. How are you doing?" I said that I was good. He then said how proud he was. "I really am. You've been through so much and you're doing really well.' I thanked him. "How are you getting on Auntie Pheobe?" She smiled. "Barely sleeping sometimes and trying to keep this gorgeous little bubba entertained. But, apart from that, I'm good."

As each dish arrived, we all enjoyed just spending time together. "Mom! This pasta is so tasty." Blake was such a sweet young boy. "So, how are you Blake?' He smiled at me. 'I'm good. I'm thinking about taking up football.' I said that was great. 'I'm always trying to score goals outside whilst Mom is inside looking after Ava.' Allison said that he enjoys playing football with his friends as well. Auntie Amanda then said that she's started planning the wedding.

"Ahhh! That's exciting!" Auntie Nina smiled. "I know. We've been talking about colour schemes and the dresses!" We were all having such a lovely time. "Guess what?" Billie texted me. "Oh my gosh!" She smiled. "Jessie already knows." She giggled. After finishing our food, we all took photos. "Cheese!" Dad took a lovely one of me and Jason. "Ahhh. I love that one." My godfather then said how happy he was. "I'm happy that you're finally at peace." I thanked him. "Thankyou for just being there for me and Paige."

He said that he was proud of us. "Both of you are amazing young ladies and I love you both so much. And Caleb as well." As we took more photos, Dad asked me if I was feeling okay. "I feel great. Are you okay?" He said that he was fine.

(Jason's P.O.V)

It was lovely spending time with Ariel's family. They all loved each other so much. "Hey Jason. I'm Barba. Ariel and Paige's godfather." Smiling at him, I shook his hand. "I'm guessing that you wanna interrogate me?' He laughed. "You haven't given me a reason to, but I'll tell you one thing. I love how happy Ariel is. And you're a part of that." I told him that she makes me happy too. "I just want to help her." He said that was good. "She is so happy." As she walked over, she giggled. "What are you two chatting about?" Jason looked at me. "Nothing much." They laughed. As he left us, Ariel sat in his space. "Can I tell you something?" I felt really nervous. "Yes. Of course." He took my hand. "I really, really like you. And I just wanted to say thankyou. For sticking by me."

I squeezed her hand. "I really, really like you too. Thankyou for helping me." I heard voices.. "You two are so cute!" My mom smiled at us. "Thanks Mom." Blake then hugged Ariel. "You're too sweet Blake." She loved him. Looking at the time, we went back inside. "We've got another surprise for you!" Olivia smiled at Ari. "What could that be?"

My mom gave her a gift bag. "Aw Allison! That's so kind of you." As she opened the bag, she gasped. "This is so beautiful." She then showed it to everyone.

"That's lovely." Her auntie smiled. We had brought her a set of paints with some pretty brushes. She hugged me. Ria and Amber cooed. "I love that." She hugged me and then thanked my mom. "Would you guys like cupcakes?" We all said yes.

As they got shared out, I heard my phone. Ariel had texted me.

Can I see you outside for a second?

Popping outside, she was standing near a bench. "Hey." She then sat down. "I just want you to know that I like you very much." I liked her a lot as well. 'I do too." She then continued to talk. "I'm in recovery and I'm afraid that if we have like a little disagreement or something feels off, you'll walk away.." I knew that Ariel had personal stuff going on in terms of her recovery. She was doing so well. "I will be paitent if you feel like you need space." She hugged me. "Have you had a good time tonight?" Her eyes were so sparkly..

"Yes I have. It's been really fun." We then saw Caleb and Paige. "They're so annoying!" Both of them giggled. Going back inside, her aunties looked at her. "Where's Axel?" Mom looked at Auntie Nina. "He's at home.." Mom looked at Caleb. "Did something happen Caleb?" He rubbed his neck.. "Well.." I asked Dad if I could have a cupcake. "Of course you can."

Once we had finished at the restaurant, we all made our way home. "It was so lovely of you to come along Allison. Thankyou so much for the present. I really appreciate it." Mom then hugged her. "That's okay." Ariel then stroked Ava's cheek and hugged Blake. "See you soon." I squeezed her hand. "See you."

As Mom strapped Ava into her carseat, she told me something. "I like Ariel. She's a kind person." Getting in the car with Blake, I rubbed his back. "Are you okay buddy?" He nodded. He seemed quiet. Checking on Ava, she had fallen asleep. She was so cute. As we got home, I helped Mom. "Thankyou." As she took Blake inside, I put Ava's carseat on the floor in the hallway. Stroking her cheek, I thought about how much me and Blake were going to protect her. "Would you like any more help Mom?" My brother was sweet. "No thankyou sweetheart. I love you." She kissed his forehead. "Can I talk to you Mom?' Blake looked like he was about to cry.

'I'll take Ava upstairs.' Sitting on the stairs, I heard Blake. 'I feel confused. I've been having nightmares as well..' How did I not know that? 'Aw sweetheart. What are you thinking about?' He then said that he was scared of our dad coming back. 'I can promise you that won't happen. You are safe with us.' He cried a bit more. 'Shh.. I love you.'

We were going to be okay.

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