Chapter 17♡

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Authours Note: I cannot believe that I'm on Chapter 17 already!!! DayyyFanyyy is honestly one of my besties. She's so kind and extremely talented. I couldn't be more grateful for our friendship. This chapter is dedicated to you!
Lauren x

(Finn's P.O.V)

All of us were hanging out at a local bar. Asking Elliot how things were with his new job, he told us more. "It's different. But a good diffrent. It's more challenging.' Nodding, I sipped more of my beer. "That's good though." He agreed. Asking me if he was ready for the wedding, he told more about the plans. "Well, we have finalised our guest list. Olivia would like to look at some venues next week.' I said that sounded great. Adam then told us about the other night. "Me and Faye just decided to chill out. Being with her relaxes me. I asked her if she wanted me to attend her therapy session with her next week.' We asked him what he thought about that. "I'm looking forward to it. Faye needs me." We praised him. "We think that you're a great guy. You're proving yourself.' He laughed. "I try my best. I told Faye that I love her.' Carisi smiled. "That's nice to hear."

Carisi then told us more about the visit at the home. "It was great. Me and Amanda met a young boy. His name is Matteo. He's been through a lot, but we'd like to see him again.' I said that sounded great. You've really stepped us as a father figure for them both. You should be proud of yourself." He asked me more about a possible family vacation with everyone. "It would be nice. Everyone gets to come together and have some fun." The rest of them all agreed. "Are you ready to become a father?' I said yes. "I love Pheebs so much. She's been my partner work wise for so long.. way before SVU. We just bonded. I can't wait to have a little girl too.' Elliot giggled. "You'll love it mate.' They all then gave me new dad advice which was sweet.

"Listen to your kid. Be there for them.' Carisi  looked at Elliot. "I agree with him on that. Listening to Jessie and Billie when they wanna talk about something makes me smile.' I thanked them both. "So.. we're excited to be best men for your wedding Elliot. It's gonna be great!' Cheering, we all clinked our beer bottles. "I had better cherish the peace and quiet before our little miss comes along.' The rest of them laughed.

(Olivia's P.O.V)

"Right, I'm off!' Getting my bag, Ariel and Paige got their coats on. "Thanks again Liv. You're a good friend.' Hugging Pheobe, I said it was no problem. "You deserved it. See you soon.' She hugged Paige and Ariel. "You two.. be good for your mom and dad. Just know that I'm here for both of you. Always.' They said bye to their other aunties. "Love you both!' As we got going home, the girls were giggling.. "What's so funny?" Paige went all quiet. "Nothing Mom." I raised my eyebrows. "What's going on at cheer sessions and school Paige?" She told me a bit more. "Well, school is alright. I like it. Hanging with my friends is pretty cool. Cheer squad is great too. We have practice next weekend. Mel is talking to us about performing once we are ready.' I grinned. "That sounds amazing Paige. I'm really proud of you." I asked Ariel how she was feeling. "I'm okay. Art club is fab. I've nearly fininshed my mural. Anna is thinking of placing it in the hallway at school." I said that was amazing. "Me and your father would love to see it when it's done.' Heading indoors, I called Caleb. "Did you know if your brother was heading out tonight?" Paige looked at her sister. "Dunno." As they headed upstairs to get ready for bed, I cleaned up. I hope Elliot had fun tonight.

Having my shower, I heard the girls talking. "Do you know what would be fun? A sister's night in!' It was so nice that they had each other. "We could do that. Paint our nails, have junk food and watch a good movie. And have SST!' Paige giggled. 'Okay! We'll do that tomorrow. I'm pretty tired." Ariel giggled. "You've been thinking..' After I showered, I dried my hair. I heard my phone bleep. It was Nina.

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