Chapter 45♡

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(Amanda's P.O.V)
I heard my phone bleep. It was a text from Liv in the group chat.

Just a reminder about the dress shopping today. Would you like to meet at my house or shall we meet at the shop? I wanted to give you ladies the option.💞xx

Texting a reply, I heard the girls knock on our bedroom door. "Come in!" As they entered, they ran over to hug me. "We love you and Dad so much Mom." I looked at them both.. "Are you okay?" I wiped my stray tear away. "Yes I'm fine.. it's just that.. you've never called Carisi Dad before.."

Both of them then said that they were ready to do that. "He's been there forever! We love him.' Our daughters were so kind. 'Me and Jessie would like to invite Ariel Paige, Cece and some of our friends for a get together after the wedding. Would that be okay?' I said yes. "thanks." As we went downstairs to make breakfast, Billie texted the girls. Today, I decided to have cereal. Warming up the milk, the girls spoke about how excited they were about going dress shopping with their auntie. 'We get to try on dresses!' As they ate breakfast, I looked through some text messages from Carisi. He had stayed at the office for the night as he had work to do. After breakfast, we got upstairs. 'I'll get in the shower first. I need to organise an outfit."

I went into the bedroom looking through the wardrobe. Faye had stayed at Adam's. I was so happy that she was safe. Adam really liked her. Looking through my wardrobe, I saw a cute red crop top with some jeans. I heard the front door. 'Amanda!' That was my boyfriend.  As he came upstairs, he stood by the bedroom door. He always looked so handsome. 'Hey you.' He said that I looked beautiful.

'Thanks. All of us ladies are going out to help Olivia choose her wedding dress!' I squealed. 'That sounds like fun.' He then said that he was going to look at suits with the guys next week. 'We have organised it already.' As he looked at me, he asked me how our daughters were. 'They are excited to see Ariel and Paige. And find a dress.' He kissed me. 'What are you gonna do today?' He said that he was going to relax. 'I might call my sister and see if she's okay.' Heading in the bathroom, I then turned the shower on. I was just excited to spend time with my girls. 

(Phoebe's P.O.V)

Finn had decided to do the night shift with Harper so that I could rest. She got fed when she needed to. Feeding was becoming easier. It was lovely having that personal time with her. I had the appointment with the health visitor in the evening as I was going to be with the ladies. 'Hey.' He kissed my cheek. 'Hey.' Asking how she was when he woke up, he giggled. 'She was really peaceful. I was just holding her and it was really nice.' As he made me some coffee, I smiled at him. 'I love you Finn.' He kissed me. 'I love you too.' As I sat at the table, I got a text from Alex. 

Hey. I'm just checking in with you to see if you, Finn and Harper are okay. Let me know if you need anything. x 

She was so lovely. Texting her back, I drank my tea. I was actually really hungry.. hearing a little cry, I went upstairs. Heading into her bedroom, I opened the curtains.. seeing her little face, I smiled. 'Hello you.' As I picked her up, she cried a little bit.. 'Oooo.. what's all the crying for hey?' Holding her, she seemed to settle down. 'Did you know that everyone adores you already?' She was just perfect. Getting some more newborn clothes out for her, I looked at myself in the mirror. 

I looked a mess! My hair was up in a bun, my dressing gown was dirty and my skin was all patchy and dry. Choosing her outfit, I cooed. It was SO cute! Finn then came upstairs. 'You two..' He kissed her forehead. 'Hey baby girl.' I said that I was going to wash her. 'Alright. I can help you if you like? We can then have breakfast together. Your mom said that she will come over in about an hour.' He was perfect!  Heading into the bathroom, I ran the water. My mom had left a few more bits and pieces. 

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