Chapter 41♡

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(Alex's P.O.V)

As I watching tv with my mom, my phone bleeped. It was Will! "You're smiling! Who's texted you?' I bit my lip.. "No one Mom." Putting my phone on the table, she raised her eyebrows.. "That smile isn't for no one. How did your meet up go?" I blushed a little bit..

"It was nice." I focused on the tv. "Did something happen?" I said no. "The thing is Mom, he's so lovely. He's kind, sweet, and understanding." She took my hand. "I'm proud of you for taking that first step. I know that it's difficult. You don't have to rush into anything. Since you told me that other thing, I am concerned." Keeping that from everyone was really hard. Chris really made me feel like I was worthless. "I love you. Yes, Will is lovely. I just wanna see if he's worth getting to know." Getting my phone, I read his text.

Hey.😊 meeting up for coffee the other day was really nice. It was great getting to know you a bit more. I hope that you have a good morning.


Hi. Ahhh, it was nice meeting you as well. We should do it again sometime.

"So.. what is he like?' My mom was sweet. "He listens. He told me a bit more about himself. And he's kind.'

As I went to get coffee, I heard Zack.. "Shut up! We are just friends." Zack then hugged me. "Is this about Beth?" He smiled. "Maybe.. we were at Dean's place the other day and we were chatting." I hugged my boy. 'Did you two want some breakfast?" Zack said that he'd make some.

I texted the ladies..

Morning girls! How are you all?xx

Making the coffee, I saw some replies..


I'm really good thanks. I'm just trying to plan wedding make up looks with Evie. It's actually really exciting!🥰x

Zack and Tyler sat next to each other at the table.. eating their breakfast. "Hey Mom.. can I see some of my mates today?' Tyler asked me. "Of course you can. What was you gonna do today?" Tyler said that he was gonna just go to the park and chill. "Cool." As he finished breakfast, I asked him if he was okay. "Yep. I'm fine." Zack then finished his drink and headed upstairs. He had therapy again later. Olivia had texted me about going to look at bridesmaid's dresses this weekend.

After cleaning up, Mom asked if I had therapy too. "Yep. This evening." She kissed my cheek. 'Are you up to anything this evening?' She said that she might go for a walk. 'It's nice for me to get exercise.' Telling her that I would be upstairs, I went to get ready. Seeing more replies, I smiled at them.


I'm alright thanks. Elliot should be home tonight for a few days. He's taking Ariel away for a few days so that they can have some father daughter bonding time so I might spend time with Paige and Caleb. xxx


I have a health visitor coming over to see me today. I have just had no sleep and Harper has been crying all night. Finn has been fantastic though. I just want to feel normal again.

Replying to both of them, I got in the shower. I thought about Tyler. He had been pretty quiet lately. He felt off about his dad. He dismissed talking about how he felt. He thought that us separating was sad. He loved his dad so much when he was growing up. That was because Chris wasn't drinking then.. After finishing in the shower, I dried myself off. Then I dried my hair. Heading into my bedroom, I replied to Phoebe. She seemed like she was going through so much right now. I left an idea in the group chat..

Hey ladies! I had an idea for Phoebe.. how about we organise a spa day for her? I think that she'd love it! She seems to be going through a lot right now. x

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