Chapter 40♡

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(Elliot's P.O.V)

'GO, GO, GO!' Following Bell and Jett into the apartment, we looked around. Our suspect was called Tyler Williams. He was a serial abductor. Continuing to search, we saw fresh spots of blood.. 'Bell!' Jett then found me. "He's been here." We looked for more evidence.. "There's something else too.." We saw a bag full of cash. "I'll take that." Jett went out to the van. Me and Anyana then stepped outside carefully.. "The girl is about 12 years old. She has brown hair.." We saw a shed that was locked.. "Let's break it open." After we did that, we saw more pictures. "Hey.. I'm not going to hurt you.. my name is Elliot." The girl looked at me. Taking the tape off her mouth, she cried.. 'He.. told.. me that he was going to kill me." Jett comforted the young girl.. "We need to get her out of here now." Anaya took her as I scanned the rest of the place... he had documents which stated that he was planning a heist with Richard. Reading over them, I took pictures.

After we had taken the girl to a safe house, we headed back to the office. Looking over the information, Jett asked me what I was up to this weekend. "I'm going away with my eldest daughter and then me and Liv are going to do some more wedding planning." She then smiled. "That sounds lovely." I had been at this new job for about two weeks now and everyone seemed lovely. "What are you up to?" She said that she was going to see her parents and rest.

(Nina's P.O.V)

Axel had been quiet for days now... finishing up some paperwork on my laptop, I felt Simon's hand on my shoulder. "Hello gorgeous." I smiled. "How is work going?" As he sat down, he told me more. "It's going well. I'm thinking of doing something else though." What I loved about my man was that he always wanted to strive for more. "I'm worried about Ax." Simon said the same thing. "He's been at school, but he's not said much about what he does.." I clasped my hands. "He is definitely not dealing with the news well. I remember him talking about Caleb, Paige and Ariel. He said that they all have the same father. Because he's still becoming used to you, he just feels confused." Simon asked me if he feels left out. "Well, I don't know. When I ask him how he's feeling, he just shuts down. What if he decides to just bottle up his feelings?" My lovely man hugged me..

"I'll talk to him. What are you cooking for dinner tonight?" He kissed me.. "I was thinking of making a stir fry." I said that we had date night to look forward to tomorrow.. "Is Ax staying at home?" I said that I wasn't sure.. Si then kissed my back.. "How lucky are you?' He gazed at me.. 'Verry lucky.' I giggled. 'I have arranged the night out.' I blushed. 'I can't wait.' Finishing off my work, Simon made us a drink. 'What do you think about us having more children?' He smiled. 'I would love to be a dad again.' Looking at him, I put my laptop away and got my notepad out. As he sat next to me. He looked at me.. 'What do we have so far?' I went through the list..

Light pink bridesmaid dresses (Olivia, Alex, Faye, Phoebe, Amanda..)

Flowers (Light pink)

Necklaces with initials


Wedding rings

Wedding cake tasting

'That sounds awesome.' My man was too sweet. 'You love anything.' As he sat next to me, I heard my phone buzz. It was Calvin. 'Hey Cal. Are you okay?' As Simon went upstairs, I spoke more. 'Ahh. That's good. How are things?' He was telling me more. 'Things are alright thanks sis. I'm just figuring things out.' I was worried about him..

'Look.. don't touch me! My mom will get better. I just need to be with her." A lady and another man walked towards me. "My name is Clive and this is my wife." I looked at them.. "Where are they taking my mom?" Looking on, my soical worker sat next to me. 'Your mom is unwell Calvin. She needs to go." I asked my soical worker where.. "To a rehabilitation centre. She's poorly." I cried.. 'No! No! I wanna be with her!' I saw her get into the car..

"Cal?" He was miles away. "Yeah. Sorry sis." Asking him if he was okay, he said yes. "Did you wanna come over?' He said that he would be okay. "Are you sure?" He said yes. "I'm staying somewhere, but I'll be fine. I promise." Saying goodbye, I said that I loved him. "I love you too sis." My baby boy then stood in the kitchen. "Hey." He walked over to me. Hugging me.. "Dad asked if I was okay.. to be honest Mom.." I held his hand. "It's okay.." He told me more. "I'm just not myself. It feels weird. I wanna get angry. I wanna scream." I just held him.. "Why did it have to be us that went through this? I don't feel normal." I wanted to cry.. "You are our boy okay? You can tell us anything.' As he looked at me, I asked him if he'd spoken to a member of staff at school. "I.. I just don't feel like it at the moment." We couldn't force him.. I just had this mom instinct..

"How about you talk to your dad?" He looked away.. "Nothing feels normal!!!" He pushed the chair and ran off. "Ax!" I placed my hands on my head.. our son was hurting so much to the point where it was hurting me..

Searching for some professional help and tips, I started reading some articles..

Reading some information, I tried to take it all in..

Authentic, loving conversations can be a powerful vehicle for loving and change. When you feel ready to discuss your past with your kids, you'll want to do it in a way that is supportive and appropriate for them.

Then, I read more about boundaries.. I didn't want to scare him. He was thirteen. He was already feeling awful. All I told him was that I was in a really bad relationship. Me and Simon wanted to protect him. I had boundaries.. I was just scared of shutting off again. Heading outside, I looked up at the sky. I never thought that I would have my happy ever after. Simon means everything to me. He's honestly been my rock. I love him so much. He's just seen the good, the bad and the ugly. "Hey Nina." Turning around, I saw my love holding a mug. "Here we go." As he kissed my cheek, he sat beside me. 'Thanks. You're so sweet." He asked me what I was thinking about..

"If our son will ever deal with his trauma.." Simon took my hand. Squeezing it.. "He will. I spoke to him earlier and he's angry.. but he just wants to be alone right now.' I gazed at my future husband. "You're perfect." He kissed me.. "Mmm.. that was nice." I asked him what he had planned for our date night tomorrow. "Well, I'm taking you to a nice restaurant." I stroked his hand. "And then I'm taking you to a lovely bar so we can dance and have a few drinks." He hugged me. "I love you." I said the same.

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