Chapter 60♡

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(Olivia's P.O.V)
Sitting with Elliot, we went through the guest list for the wedding. "So many people will want to be there babe." I kissed him. "I know." Cragen was coming over this evening. We couldn't wait to see him. Elliot  was going to cook. And I was going to have the night off.   "So, we have Melinda, Nancy, Kat, Charlie, Faye, Adam, Alex, Will and your mom." As we sorted the list out, we heard Caleb. "Liv.. what's going on with him?" I giggled. "You will have to talk to him about that." Putting Allison, Jason and Ava on the list, Elliot went to get on with the dinner. "Are we going to have chicken fillets with vegetables Liv?" I said yes. Hearing my phone, I saw a text from Alex.

Hey. I'm meeting Will again for coffee next week.💜

Texting her back, I saw a text from Cragen.

I'm on my way.

I then replied to Alex.

Ahhhh. Alex, that's so lovely. Keep me updated.🥰

"Kids!" All of them headed downstairs. "Yes Mom?" Paige sat on the couch with Ariel. "Cragen is on his way. I just want to remind you guys to be on your best behaviour." Caleb giggled. "Mom.. all of us are usually behaved anyway." Our son was so cheeky. "I know that. Now, can all of you go and set the table please?' They all smiled. "Of course, we can grill Caleb about my best friend!" Ariel giggled. "Er no."He was so crushing on her!  I saw my son blush.. Paige then smiled. "I'll help you with drinks." Heading over to the table, I asked Ariel about how therapy was. "It's okay I guess.." She continued to pour the drinks. "Anyway, we have Caleb's school visit tomorrow." Paige said that was exciting. "Yeah. I can't wait." Dad then said that dinner was nearly ready. Hearing the door, I went to answer it. "Cragen! Hi!" He hugged me. "Aw, Liv. It's so good to see you." I said the same to him. As he took his shoes off, I hung up his coat. "So, welcome to our home." As I showed him around, he asked me how things were. "Things are amazing. Our kids are healthy." He said that was great. "Your place is so homely. It's cosy." I thanked him. Heading downstairs, he said that he was looking forward to meeting the kids.

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