Chapter 49♡

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(Nina's P.O.V)

Feeling Simon nuzzling into my neck, I stroked his cheek. Thinking about our son, I got my phone. Texting him, I yawned. Me and my man fell asleep straight away last night. He was just so handsome. It was unbelievable. Looking at the time, I tried to get up without disturbing him.. "No babe.. five more minutes." Giggling, I kissed him. "I can't be late for work." As I got up, I took out my outfit. "Hey baby.. did you wanna maybe start looking at places to go for date night?' I stroked his cheek. 'Yes.' As he sat up, I went to the bathroom. Switching on the shower, I heard my phone. Seeing a text from Lori, I replied. She was asking about heading out for drinks after work. It would be nice to get to know her better.

As I got in the shower, I heard Simon's voice. "Hey Olivia. Yes, thanks to you and Elliot for looking after him. How is he?" As he continued to talk to her, I just thought about how distressed he was when we told him about Seth. He was so angry.. and upset. I didn't really want him to try therapy because I was personally scared that he was going to turn out like me. Scared. Emotional. I decided that I was going to have a chat with him. After having my shower, I dried my hair. Looking in the mirror, I could see that my bruises had healed. I had a few scars along my arms.. Simon was great at making me love them. I just found it really difficult at first. As I decided what to wear, I heard my phone. It was Pheobe.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I could hear her yawning. "Not really. Harper litreally will not sleep. How did you run on not having any sleep?" I giggled. "I honestly have no idea Pheebs." Pheobe then said that she's up all night. "She won't stop crying." I empathisezed with her. "I went through silimar situations with Axel. What I can do is give you some tips. How about I text you later? I'm just getting ready to head into work". She thanked me. "Anytime. Remember to rest. I'll text you later." She said bye. "You look more sexier every day Nina." I giggled. "Why thankyou." Kissing my man, I asked him to check that Axel gets off to school. "I will. I love you." Heading downstairs, I got an apple. "Bye Ax. Love you." I heard him say it back.

Getting in the car, I placed my bag in the corner. I couldn't wait to do more wedding planning. I was excited! As I parked up, I went inside. "Morning Nina." Lori smiled at me. "Hey. How are you doing?' She seemed quiet. "I'm alright. Could we talk later? I've got my next person coming in soon." I nodded. Going into my office, I saw that Tayah was coming in this morning. Getting a coffee, I heard Lori. "Yes, I'll be home tonight. No. I haven't."

Was she in a bad relationship?

Quickly getting back to my office, I got my notebook out. Looking at the notes from our first session, I figured out what we needed to do next. Hearing a knock on the door, I told the person to come in. "Morning Lorraine." She smiled at me. Asking me how me how I was, I told her. "I'm really good thankyou. How are you?" She said that she was fine. "That's good to know." When she left, I got prepped to talk to Tayah. As she came in, she seemed quiet. "Hi Tayah. Are you alright?" She said yes. As she sat down, I got my notebook out.

"So, how have you been feeling?' As she started talking, I saw that she had some bruises on her arms.. "I've been feeling weird. It's like I can tell that my ex boyfriend hates me.. anything I do, he shouts and it's awful.." She started to panic and I helped her. "Take five deep breaths.." As she did that, I got her a glass of water. "Thankyou." I advised her.

"You are doing the right thing by being here. Talking to me. Have you spoken to your mum or anyone else who you're close to?" She said yes. "My mom isn't happy that I'm staying with him." I used to do that. "I just.. hope that one day he will change. I love him." Advising her, I did my best to be gentle.

(Alex's P.O.V)

Whilst I was at work, my phone lit up. It was Will. We were still getting on which was so nice. I had another appointment with Mel tonight. We were going to talk more about my past. The thought of it scared me.. but I had to confront it. Texting the boys, I started to look at houses and apartments. As I was going to be moving out of my Mom's, I wanted to find somewhere that was comfortable. For both me and my boys.

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