Chapter 44♡

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(Ariel's P.O.V)

Jason had been so sweet all evening. When I had showered and sorted myself out, I went downstairs. I put on some other comfy clothes. "Would you like anything?" As I got a drink, he shook his head. "You're beautiful." I thanked him. I sat down next to him. "This evening has been amazing. I've loved it." I said the same. "Thankyou for my present as well.' As we watched some more tv, he checked the time. "Mom is enjoying all the newness of being in that baby bubble." I cooed. "That's really sweet. Have you managed to find a suit for the formal dance?" He said that he had. "Ooo!!" He giggled. "You're so cute." He then suggested that we have a little get together after the dance. "We could go to the park with a few mates." I said that sounded like a great idea.

(Paige's P.O.V)
Me, Bea and Izzy were having a great time at Cece's party! It was so fun being with my friends. "Hey Cece! I love your outfit." She hugged me. She was wearing a light pink top with some denim shorts. And she had died her hair! "Do you like it?" We said yes. She then said that Kian was on his way. "It'll be nice to see him again." Izzy nudged me.. "You're thinking about something! Paige.. tell us!" I giggled. Getting a bottle of pop, I heard my phone. It was Mom.

Are you enjoying yourself sweetheart?💞xx

Texting her back, I then heard my favourite song..

"I don't care if you're here or if you're not alone. I don't care.. it's been too long. It's kinda like it didn't happen." Cece danced with me. "This is fun!!" We all saw the front door open. A guy who had brown spiky hair walked in. He was wearing a biker jacket and some boots. I stood there.. not moving. 'Paige.. hello?' Cece waved her hand in front of my face.. 'Yeah?' Cece laughed. 'He is cute right?' I denied it. As we went to sit outside, we spoke about cheer squad and school. 'Mr Ainsely is awesome. I like his class." We spoke about cheer squad. "There is a new teacher called Ellie. She's helping us with our competition that's coming up." Cece smiled. "I'm nervous for it." I smiled. "You, me, Izzy and Bea have been practicing lots. We just need to go over the moves." Getting some snacks, I looked at the table. There was so much to choose from!

Getting some crisps, I bumped into Kian. "Sorry." I saw my three best friends nudge each other. I mouthed at them. "Shut up!" They burst out laughing. Then, they quickly walked outside.. "So, what's your name?" I told him. "It's nice to meet you Paige. You obviously know me from Cece." I continued to sip my drink. "What do you like to do for fun?' I told him more about my hobbies and stuff. 'Ahh nice. Is that for the school team?" I said yes. "I love it. What do you like to do?"

He said that he liked to play baseball. "Ahh awesome. My younger brother likes sport too." We chatted for a bit longer which was nice. "I like baseball because it's fun. Me and my brother play for fun sometimes."

It got to about 9pm when I heard my phone. It was Caleb.

Just checking in with you sis. Are you okay?x😊

Texting him back, I headed outside as Kian went to find one of his friends. "So.. we saw you two chatting it up!" Izzy nudged me. "He's friendly. And he seems to fit in." Cece then said that he is lovely. "He's funny. His mom is also super sweet." Another one of our favourite songs came on..

Texting my baby bro, I heard a siren..

Yes. I'm fine thanks. How's your party?

"Is that the cops?" Cece ran inside. "EVERYONE! MUSIC OFF!" As everyone ran to find a hiding spot, I walked to the front door with Cece. "Hello officer. How are you?' I tried not to laugh. "Hi. We got a noise complaint from your neighbour across the road." Cece looked at me. "Oh.. was it Mr Jenkins? He's always complaining." The officer then asked if we had been drinking. "No. We haven't."

He then looked at me. Being a kid with two parents as cops wasn't so fab. "Okay. How old are you Miss? I'm sure that I've seen you somewhere.." oh no.. no.. no..  I told him what  he needed to know. "Aren't you a bit too young to be partying?' I said no. "I was just hanging out with my friends." He warned us to keep the noise down. As he left, we both sighed a breath of relief...🤣

Cece then asked me a question..  "What if he knows your mom and dad?' I told her not to worry. Everyone then decided to head home. "See ya!" Izzy and Bea left us to clean up. Caleb then texted me again.

Would you like me to pick you up from Cece's on my way back? I just don't like the idea of you going home alone sis. Xx

He was just so kind. And caring.

Yes please. Thanks. You're so sweet.😊

After cleaning up, me and Cece took some photos. "Tonight was fab." Cece thanked me for coming. "It was fun." I heard a knock at the door.

"Hi bro." I hugged him. "Hey sis. Hey Cece." After saying goodbye, we made our way home.

Getting on the late night bus, I asked him if he had a good time with Axel. "Yep. It was alright. We had a good time." I asked him if he was okay. "I'm feeling alright."

"Bro.. you're doing that thing with your eyebrows.. something happened!" Squealing, he looked at me. "Am I right?" He shook his head. "I'm allowed my privacy!" As we turned the corner, we went inside. "Hey my babies!" Dad hugged us. "Hey pops." Caleb giggled. "Did you two enjoy yourselves?' We nodded. Mom went to check on Caleb as I caught up with Dad.

"So I'm going suit shopping with everyone tomorrow which should be amazing. I can't believe that I'll be marrying your mom so soon." I hugged him. "Our teacher is organising a cheer squad competition as well." He said how proud he was. "I am Paige. You're doing so well at school and you're such a friendly, smart, kind and caring young lady." I then thanked him.

"I'm gonna make a sandwhich and then head up to bed. Ariel? Caleb? Did you two want a sandwich?" They both said no.

"Night Dad." He said night back then he kissed my cheek.

(Simon's P.O.V)

I was laying down with my love when I heard the front door. "Hey Dad." Our son was dealing with a lot so we were being gentle with him. "Hey you. How was it being with Caleb?' He said it was fun. I tried not to wake Nina up.
"Okay. I'm going to head upstairs now." 
I asked him if he wanted anything to eat. He said no. "Okay. Call me if you need anything."

We needed to tread carefully.

Author's Note:

First of all, shoutout to my bestie DayyyFanyyy! She's amazing, funny, caring, talented and inspiring! Please go and read her stories if you get the chance. And I apologise for the wait. I just got writer's block! Anyway, enjoy! I'll look forward to reading your comments.😘xxx

Lauren x

(This is the song that Cece, Bea and Izzy were dancing to at the party!)x

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