Chapter 15♡ (Baby Brunch Part 1!)

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(Ariel's P.O.V)

I hadn't slept too well again last night. I tried to.. but it's so hard. Sitting up, I yawned. Seeing a text from Amber, I replied.

Hey. How are you?😊


I'm really good thankyou. I've just woken up. How are you?


I'm alright. I have a bit of muscle pain today, but I'm okay.

I felt bad for her. She was going through a lot. Getting up, I made my bed. Thinking about how to tell Mom and Dad about my sleep pattern. I know that sounds weird, but if I don't talk about this sleep pattern, I'll end up screaming and doing something I regret. "Morning!" Hearing Caleb, I opened my bedroom door. "Morning bro.' He asked if I wanted a coffee or tea. "I don't drink either." Heading downstairs, I got a glass of water. "Are you girls going to Auntie Pheobe's baby brunch later?" Saying yes, Caleb drank his coffee. "It's going to be lovely.' Caleb then got some bagels. "School has been pretty boring lately sis.' I asked him what was up. "Maths. I just dislike it."

I told him that I noticed that he looked pretty chilled out the other day. "I am when I'm not in that lesson. I feel like ditching it sometimes." You see, when I first started school, I disliked even being there. I used to think that being there was forced." My baby brother sipped his drink. "That's all it is. I like everything except maths.' Hearing Paige come downstairs, we stopped the convo. "Morning." We said morning back. "How are you?" She said that she was okay. "I'm excited for Auntie Phoebe's baby brunch today. I cannot wait to celebrate." Caleb then left us in the kitchen. "I had better text Jason and make sure that he's okay." Texting him, Mom came downstairs. "Morning you two." Saying morning back, I told her that I had to tell her something.

"I'm really struggling to sleep Mom." She touched my cheek. "Aw sweetheart. Thankyou for telling me. I know how hard it is for you to open up." I tried to not let my thoughts get the better of me. I didn't want Mom and Dad thinking that I couldn't cope with my sobriety.

Making some toast, I asked Paige if she wanted some. "I'd love some please." Mom said that Dad was still asleep. 'He's had a tiring few days.' Buttering the toast, I started eating it. 'So, what are you thinking of wearing to the baby brunch?" I said that I wasn't sure yet. "I think I've got a cute dress. And then I might do my hair.' Paige said that she was going to wear a nice dress too.

"We could do each other's hair." Paige smiled. "Yes sis!' Heading upstairs with her, Caleb groaned.. "I'm gonna see if Dad's up."

(Paige's P.O.V)

Today was going to be lovely. Cheer squad was going well so far. I loved being with my best friends. Getting my outfit from my wardrobe, I thought about things. Now that I was older, would I start comparing myself to my older sister? Sorting the clothes out, I got my stuff ready. I was super excited that Uncle Finn and Auntie Pheobe were having a baby.

I knew that they were meant to be together. Getting in the shower, I thought about school. It was pretty good at the moment. Letting the water run over my face, I thought about my siblings. I just wanted the best for them.

As I wrapped the towel around my body, I dried my hair. Heading into my bedroom, I heard my phone ring. It was Cece.

"Hey! Guess what?" I laughed. "What?" Sorting myself out, she giggled. "There is a party happening for this new guy tomorrow night!" Asking her more questions, she told me more. "His name is Kian and he's just moved here." No wonder we've not seen him at school yet. "Wait.. how do you know him bestie?' She said that he used to live next door to her. "Okay." Ariel then knocked on my bedroom door. "Hey. I'm going to get ready and then I'll do your hair." I smiled.

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