Chapter 50♡

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Author's Note:
Hey everyone. I just wanted to apologizefor the delay in Ariel's birthday chapters. I have just been busy. I hope that you enjoy them. I'd love to know what everyone thinks of the sequel so far. The comments and love mean the world to me. Also, Ariel's birthday is on the 6th of October. That's why I was apologizing for the delay..🤣

Lauren x

(Ariel's P.O.V)

As I sat in bed, I just smiled. I was 17 today! It was crazy how much time had flown. Waking up, I turned my phone on. It flooded with messages from family members and friends. My phone then rang. It was Jason.💖

"Hey! Morning! Happy birthday!" He was so kind. And sweet. "Thankyou." He then said that he was so glad that we met. "You're amazing babe. I'm so lucky to know you." I nearly cried! "You're so cute!" Hearing a knock on my bedroom door, I went to open it. "Happy birthday sis!!" My siblings were amazing. "Thanks." Paige gave me a gift bag. "Your card is in the bag." She then gave me a hug. "I love you so much Paige. You will always be my little sister." Caleb then hugged me. "I love you too baby bro." He smiled. Both of my siblings had grown up so much.

Heading downstairs, I saw that Mom and Dad had made me a birthday breakfast! "Happy birthday Ariel!" Dad hugged me. The relationship between him and me had progressed so much and I am so grateful for him. "Thanks Dad." He kissed my cheek. "Wow. 17 years old. You're growing up." I nodded. He gave me my presents. They seemed heavy. Putting them in the living room, Mom kissed my forehead. "Happy birthday sweetheart. I love how strong you, your sister and your brother are. Me and your father raised incredible young girls and a handsome young man." I thanked her. "Thankyou for never giving up on me." She cried a bit. "I will always be there for the three of you."

Mom had cooked up a storm. My phone  kept buzzing.

Happy birthday bestie!!! I'm so grateful for our friendship. You're amazing and I'm really proud of you. I have a gift for you as well. I'm free later if you'd like to meet up? 

Texting her back, Caleb spoke about the vacation. "Will me and Axel get to do water activities?" Mom and Dad said yes. "Of course sweetheart." He smiled. "Cool." Paige then spoke about cheer squad. "It's so fun. Me, Paige and Cece have such a laugh." Mom then asked if we were working on any routines. "Yes we are." Mom smiled. "Ahhh sweetheart.  That's amazing. We'll look forward to your first show." We then heard a phone. "It's just our godfather wishing me a happy birthday." After breakfast, Mom asked me if I wanted to open up my gifts. "Yes. I'd love to." As we all went to sit on the couches, Mom handed me the gifts from Dad.

"These look really big!" Opening the gift, I gasped. "Dad, these are amazing!" He smiled. "It'll be good when you take photos." Smiling, I saw that he had also put something else in there as well. He had given me a keyring with the number 8 on it. I held it. "Thanks Dad." Paige then gave me her bag.

"Ahhh sis! I love it!" She had brought me a top and two albums. "5 seconds of Summer and Busted!" Hugging her, she kissed my cheek. Caleb then gave me his gift. Unwrapping it, I felt a little tear drop down my cheek. It was a photo frame with a picture of me and him inside. "This means a lot to me. Thankyou." He smiled at me. "I'm going to get dressed and get ready to meet Ria." As I went upstairs, I heard my phone. It was Amber. 'Hey Amber.' She then said hi back. 'Happy birthday.' Thanking her, I asked how she was doing. 'I'm alright thankyou.' I asked if she wanted to meet up with me and Ria. 'I would love to.' Telling her what time, I texted her the details. 'See you soon.' 

Opening my wardrobe, I looked at some outfits. 'Mom?' She peered her head around the corner. 'Yes sweetheart?' I then asked her which outfit I should wear. 'Which one do you think would suit me?' Holding them up, Mom helped me choose. 'I think that option 2 would suit you.' Thanking her, I went to take a shower. Using the strawberry scented shower gel, I washed myself. I used to not like my body. It was because it was used in a horrible way. Sometimes, I still think about what happened. But, I have Claire to talk to. I have my appointment with her at some point next week. We were going to talk about my fears. When I was scared, I used to close off completely. But, I want to try and open up at my own pace now. After finishing in the shower, I dried my hair. Whilst I was getting dressed, I heard Mom. 'Yes please. Oh, that's great. Thankyou.' I wonder what she was up to.. 

Once I was dressed, I sorted out my bag. 'You look amazing!' My sister hugged me. Heading downstairs. Hearing the doorbell, my brother went to answer it. 'It's Jason. Hey.' He bro hugged him. 'Hi!' He had a gift bag and some flowers. 'Ahhh. You're so cute.' He then kissed my cheek. 'I'll see you later. Enjoy your time with Ria.' He then looked at Mom and Dad. 'What's going on?' He fist bumped Caleb's hand. 'See you later.' As he giggled, Mom and Dad smiled. 'It's a surprise. Go and see Ria.' I hugged Dad. Mom kissed my cheek. 

'See you later.' 

What were my siblings and parents up to? 

(Option 1 for Ariel!)

(Option 2 for Ariel!)

(Elliot's birthday present for Ariel!)

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