This Machine (Chapter 36)

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"No! Rairi is not someone like you!"

"Of course she isn't. She's an angel." Umecho hummed as she peeked down at the woman.

"Because we both know, as holy as an Angel is, they're still bound to their duties. You have to save humanity, even if it costs your own."


"What I'm saying is, Devils like us aren't bound by things like morality or care for other people."

Clear from how easily she was able to destroy people to the brink of death without a single inch of remorse.

That woman was supposed to be just a human, their classmate, they should have just chatted normally during the first day of their classes.

Yet, here she had been. A monster with wings and her feet hung by a single strand of flesh because of the explosion earlier.

A bomb Ophelia so casually threw at her.

They used to be human.

But even with the effects of being an Angel, Ophelia had the cruel smoke in her still growing in her body and fogged inside her mind.

In the same stand that those two lovers deserved to be an Angel...

Does Ophelia deserve to be a Devil too?

Can't throw away her humanity if she never had one to begin with.

"But Angels like you... There is this sense of duty, this innate protection that you have to lay down upon no matter the case." Umecho rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Aren't you just a slave to your own emotions?"

"Quit saying shit like it doesn't apply to you." Ophelia lowered her gaze, the sweat dripped down her cheeks as a buzz of the whistle of war that came from her explosion earlier pierced her ears.

"Hmm, maybe I am, but that is only towards a single person. You are still bound to your wish to defend people."

"I can't even defend anyone." Ophelia spat. "Look at what happened to Rairi, I can't protect her."

"Clearly, when you're up against someone such as I, you better save yourself rather than someone els–"

"So, I'll just continue doing what I do best– Hurting people."

"Oh? Just because you managed to injure me doesn't mean you can actually hurt me in a meaningful way–"

The woman babbled once again, and Ophelia's hands lowered down to her sides. Her hands, sweat ridden as it may have been, had a tint of crimson that flashed in and out reality.

She had always been a child of violence.

There had never been a single ounce of security in her life, her lies had overtaken everything that had been given to her.

Greeted by a person in the mirror, dirty as the smoke stains in the ceiling and beside the frame.

But when she saw the yawn of her face, that slight gleam of her tearful eyes, the lean of her dainty figure, for the first damn time, she was able to feel security.

Sure of her role, of her identity.

Rairi had been ripped away from her, forever. She wasn't a human anymore, but rather an Angel who would only follow the ego of her self-sacrifice.


Yet those sweet begs, why does she still intend to use her?

"Rairi, what do you want me to do...?"

"Mmm..." The machine groaned, her head reached out to get closer to Ophelia, yet that just ripped off more pieces of her skin.

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