Our Actor (Chapter 20)

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"I'm sure you've gotten longer make-up sessions before, my apologies for my rusty hands."

With a flick of a brush that Atheleme held, Rairi kept her eyes closed and face relaxed as the natural colored pigment swayed across her face.

"Are we sure this isn't laced with arsenic or something? Last time I remembered make-up in the past was highly toxic to the human body, and judging by the European medieval feel of this world..." Daisuke pointed out some common knowledge about the history of make-up, and then that made Ophelia shot out of her chair.

"Seriously?! Where did you all get this?! Are you sure it's safe for Rairi?!" The fact that Rairi just accepted this immediately without any questions already set alarm flags for Ophelia, so what Daisuke said set her off.

As she stormed over at Atheleme, the girl only chuckled and kept her attention on Rairi's face.

"Calm down, mademoiselle. The make-up was made with potions, they have special effects that wouldn't be possible even with modern make-up." Antheleme hummed to herself as she finally peeked at the direction of Ophelia that had folded her hands in disapproval.

"So everything can just come from potions now?"

"You'd be surprised at the versatility!" "So much to the point where its own user forgets how useful it is."

The twins bickered among each other while Daisuke redirected her attention over at the Maid who had entered without a sound once again. But this time, she was ready at her jumpscare and only returned a dirty look.

"Where is the Mansion?" Daisuke questioned the maid who had a tray on one hand and a piece of rolled up paper on the other. She placed the tray filled with fruits and water then opened up the map of the city.

"The nobles are not separated into a full era, but rather near outside the walls. They are the first line of defense due to their magic prowess." Needle held a chalk in her hand and drew a circle around, before she made x's with the towers in the map.

"These towers are special, as they are built with the same anti magic, however the higher nobles could control their own towers to deactivate and let themselves and others around them to use magic." Needle tapped her chin with the chalk and peeked up at Daisuke.

"Have you all talked about what kind of position people will be taking?"

"Yes, they have already figured out their roles. With some pushback with Rairi, but she got convinced eventually." With a small sigh, she turned over at the girls preparing for their show later.

"I can't believe we're doing this."

"Unfortunately everyone has already made up their mind, so no need to complain about it."

"You sure are soooo nice to talk to." Daisuke snarled at the maid. As the two started to argue about something meaningless once again, Ophelia stared down at the girl who had got her makeup.

"What's so different about this? This just looks like your average contour."

"Watch what our magic has built up!" Atheleme snapped her fingers, and her face morphed further into the figure that the contour simply aided with. Her chin became sharper, her nose more built, and even her eyebrows became slanted.

"How the hell?" Her face structure completely changed, it doesn't look like the soft chubby cheeks of the sleepy girl she always accompanies by. If not for her cow-like fluffy hair, Ophelia would have been convinced this was a completely different person.

"Holy fuck."

"We don't have a wig unfortunately!" "So we have to make do with her hairstyle!"

The twins came behind Rairi with a brush and hairclips, before they started to drag her hair to straighten it out of its messy fluff. Despite their pulls being so hard that Ophelia was sure that her scalp had been pulled out of her head, Rairi remained to have a stoic expression.

OtaYuri: Rich Otaku Lady wishes Yuri upon this Isekai!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt