The Palm of Her Hands (Chapter 13)

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"Mmm…" Rairi shifted in her bed, rubbed her eyes and glanced up at Ophelia.

"So you actually do get up while there's a war outside." Ophelia turned towards Rairi and chuckled.

"Was that from their fight…? As far as I'm aware we have no one who is able to make things explode…" Rairi's eyebrows arched as she stared blankly at Ophelia.

"Maybe that was that Devil." Ophelia grumbled and sighed as she shook her head.

"I knew I had a bad feeling about her." Ophelia groaned and sat beside Rairi who had kept her body on the bed.

"She's just a victim of circumstance just like us."

"She was trying to punch me, Rairi!" Ophelia nodded her eyes at her argument, hissed through her teeth. 

"..." The blank look that Rairi once again gave Ophelia unnerved her so much that she took a deep breath. 

Rairi let the silence settle before she opened her mouth and spoke.

"I understand you're really mad, and rightfully so. You almost got hurt. I'm not trying to excuse her actions, but I want you to understand."

"Understand what?" Ophelia gritted her teeth, she had no need to understand that bitch who wanted to hurt her.

"Remember what we spoke about with Daisuke? That we might be changing because of the contract?" Rairi rose from her bed and sat beside her. 

"You're telling me that was the reason…?" Ophelia raised an eyebrow and glanced down at both of their hands. She took a deep inhale and laid her palms on top of her's, then silently squeezed it.

Ophelia wanted Rairi to know that they're still okay, even if she had yelled at her. She doesn't want her to think that she hates her.

"Maybe. My wish to help has gotten worse too, even if I know that I'll fail." Rairi peeked down at their hands that intertwined, then she went back to glance up at Ophelia.

"You keep saying that."

"You'd be surprised at how many times I have." Rairi was more than clumsy, she was just ignorant and dumb. She learned, yet one big mistake wasn't enough.

She simply wishes to close her eyes and lean over at Ophelia's shoulders.

"You need to build some self assurance." Ophelia caressed the side of Rairi's head when the other girl nuzzled closer to her neck.

Rairi didn't speak any further, and so Ophelia sighed.

She wanted to help her, but due to her current frustration at the moment she couldn't say anything.

"What I saw was an asshole, so I'll treat her as one." Ophelia huffed.

"You have all the right to think that way, I can't hold you back. But I want you to at least accept that this might be because of a force that changes the way we think."

Ophelia took a deep inhale, she knew that Rairi was right. It wasn't the Devil's fault that they had been affected negatively by their magic, the opposite of their heroic side being highlighted.

"Fine. But, if she's asking for a beating, I'm sure the others will give it to her." Ophelia folded her hands as she glared over the open window.

"Though somehow with five people she still stood…" 

"She isn't captured yet?" Rairi widened her eyes.

"Yeah. That's trouble…"

"Let's look." Rairi knew she was hopeless when it came to anything, she knew if she tries something she'd make it worse. 

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