Crown of Paper Thorns (Chapter 11)

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"You certainly don't act like it." Ophelia shrugged and turned over at the two and sighed at the silence that they kept.

But then, Vaella sighed and opened her mouth.

"Really, though." Vaella narrowed her eyes down at Kira-Kira, the girl who had kept her eyes to the side in order to not look at her.

"It's rude that you'd say something like that."

"Sorry, it was just a joke! Geez, I just wanted ya to light up a little! The topic got a little dark, yknow? I didn't want to be reminded of how I used to be in my past life!" Kira-Kira chuckled and gave a strained smile over at Vaella.

"I... See. Sorry, I didn't really think you would say something like that considering I... That I like girls." Vaella shook her head to try and get rid of the heavy wind around them, but in the end she folded her hand.

"But, wait. You wouldn't be in the same situation as me, would you? After all, you're–"

"Not straight!" Kira-Kira shot finger guns over at her as the tip of it blasted small amounts of sparks.

"Eh?" Vaella's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me? We're starting THERE?" Ophelia planted her head on her palms and groaned.

"I never thought that Kira-Kira would be this kind of person." Though, Rairi does admit her excuses were a nice save. She really had been good at talking to people.

"Yeah, being all shy and shit. She really does like her, huh. Love makes people stupid." Ophelia sighed to herself as Rairi nodded in agreement.

She had experienced that too, first hand.

Ophelia turned towards the girl who hadn't even spared a glance at her, and sighed to herself.

Why did she like such a weirdo? Someone so obsessed with romance that they won't even look at the person who has been there beside them?

"Yo-you... Do you like girls? But, from the way I have seen you like men. A lot."

"That's for business purposes, are you seriously that dense? Have you ever seen me daydream about a guy?" She cackled and took a step forward.

"I suppose you're right... However I still–"

"My Lady?" A voice from the dirt path at their side made the two of them jump.

"Tch. What is that butler doing here?"

"You were right... She ruined their moment..." Rairi mumbled, and puffed up her cheeks.

"Yeliza, how long have you been there?" Vaella turned to Yelizaveta as she stepped in front of Kira-Kira as if to hide her.

"We're doing something suspicious, so shoo!" Kira-Kira peeked from behind Vaella and stuck her tongue to her.

"I-I was just transferring some papers, my Lady. I'd like you to take care of them as well... Is this a bad time though?" Yelizaveta held the papers close to her chest and tilted her head over at Kira-Kira's behavior.

"I said shoo!" She hissed.

"Calm down." Vaella shook her head at Kira-Kira.

"I-I'll just put this over at your office, Miss. I'll meet you there." She bowed down and quickly paced in a single direction.


"What happened?"

"Her existence!" Kira-Kira huffed and folded her hands as she rolled her eyes.

"Are you two stalking people?" A voice of blankness appeared next to the girls who had hid behind the bushes.

"Holy fuck! Will you STOP doing that?!" Ophelia mumbled over at Needle as the maid simply scoffed at her.

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