Okay with stalking? (Chapter 10)

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The sun laid itself on top of Ophelia's eyelids. She grumbled and tried to cover the light with her arm, yet it was stuck. As her eyes finally snapped open, she turned to her arm, and her jaw dropped.

Rairi curled up in her arms, her head laid directly on her shoulders. With lips slightly parted and her breath on Ophelia's neck, the girl immediately puffed up into a mess. Despite her heart going to her throat, she did not dare move as she didn't wish for her to wake up.

How did Ophelia even get in this situation?!

Last thing she remembered was she pat Rairi and observed her while she was asleep, and she even laid next to her just to see how peaceful she was.

Now that she thought of what she had just done, that was hella creepy wasn't it?

"WAKE UP WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A MEEETING!~" Kira-Kira slammed through the door with her legs.

At each opposite side of the door frame was one of the twins, and Ophelia made eye contact with the three of them as she held Rairi close to her chest.


"Oops." "Woah, did we walk into something?"

"Are you two fucki–"

"WE ARE NOT! FOR THE LAST TIME, YOU CUNT!" Ophelia screamed at Kira-Kira, who just chuckled at her.

The mattress below her shifted, and Ophelia immediately whipped her head down at Rairi. Her hands rubbed her eyes before she opened it, and she glanced up at Ophelia with teary eyes.

"What's wrong...?"

"N-Nothing. Kira-Kira was just being weird again." Ophelia huffed and shook her head in order to remove the unneeded heat on her face.

"Didn't we get separate rooms? Unfair!" "Yeah! I had a different room than Diwata, how are you two in the same room?!"

"A little birdie told me that when the maids saw you two sleeping together, they couldn't dare disturb you!~" Kira-Kira chuckled and put her hand close to her mouth.

"Was the Birdie's name Needle?" Rairi yawned and sat up as her shirt draped over her shoulders.

"Not that it matters. What is this meeting about?" Ophelia pulled up her dress for her and adjusted the collar in order to fix it. Rairi's head bobbed up and down as her eyes went back to close.

"Oh you know, something basic like knowing how we're going to go to the Kingdom Of Purple." Kira-Kira gave a small sigh and shrugged.

"The demon girl said that we were going in the right direction at least!" "All hail the golden limousine!"

"Right on! So finish all that, and meet us downstairs okay?" Kira-Kira lifted both of her hands and the twins bumped it with their fist. The three giggled and started to mutter with each other and they turned back to return from where they came from.

"You heard her. Are you going to sleep in?" Ophelia tilted down at Rairi's bed head and tried to comb it with her fingers, but it stopped midway.

"No, I wanna see what happened between them..." Rairi yawned and Ophelia stood up to get a comb from the desk and nodded to her.

"Alright, let's go."




"Alright bitches! Sit down! Not you, Daisuke, you're coming here and explain to us how we go to the purple guy place." Kira-Kira flipped the map and slammed it down on the table in the middle of the lounge area of the mansion.

The seats on the side were occupied with the angels, plus Needle and Vaella since Daisuke staggered towards the table.

"Let's just hope I remember the names of the towns... Kinda average at memorizing names though." She gave a sigh and glanced down at the map and tapped her chin. Needle sneaked beside her.

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