What do we do (Chapter 25)

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“PUTANG INA WHAT DO WE DO?!” Ligaya exclaimed as she paced forward, her hands intertwined with Diwata.


“BOUGE TOI WESH!” Atheleme exclaimed as she took both of the shirts of the twins to drag them forward. Due to her taller height, she had an advantage in stride, and didn’t want to leave the two behind.

“Okay, what do we do?” Needle turned to the Devil who had such a fear over the other Devil that her horns started to vibrate.

“Right, I have a plan.” Daisuke sighed and took a deep inhale before she turned to the side.

“They’re pretty much fucked.”

“I’m sure we can still do something.” Needle insisted, and tilted her head.

“I know you’ve told me that she’s dangerous, but that doesn’t mean she would directly kill them, would she?” Needle added on and turned to the Umecho that simply walked towards the doom of the three girls.

“Because I know if she wanted to hurt them, she would have done so already. She’s just showing herself off, from the way I look at things.” Needle knows that what the wind whispers to her is true. The spirit understands that this Devil had been more than what they could deal with, as per what Daisuke had told her, but Needle sees something more to her personality.

“She’s going to be fairly angry with the twins if she finds out that one of them is the reason why Meisa was upset… Which explains why she didn’t chase down Ophelia and Rairi…” Daisuke pondered for a moment before she raised an eyebrow at another thought in her head.

“Why isn’t she fighting?” Daisuke pointed out to herself, before the other girl pondered for a moment.

“I would doubt that’s because of her magic, those wings of her’s are a weapon itself.” Needle hummed before she tilted her head.

“Perhaps she doesn’t want to use violence to begin with. You said that she only became the commander because of her accidental magic usage, right?”

“Yes. It was pretty strong, but I guess I have never really thought of her not really wanting violence. I mean, all The Devils aren’t above that.” Daisuke mumbled to herself and tried to recall her memories.

It was really only Amryn who made the Devils hurt people, but even so, they still agreed to do that. The target was mostly Yelizazeta due to her personality, although Daisuke had also been subject to some of their push and shoves as well.

“We still need to get them out of there.” Needle hummed to herself and glanced down at her hand.

It would be so easy for her to use her wind magic, but they weren’t able to use that.

“How could we even be fast enough to get to them at this rate?”

“Maybe potions.” As Needle’s words flowed out of her mouth, Daisuke glanced into her eyes and Needle stared back.

“Did they bring their sack with them?” Daisuke scoffed, as she knew that the trio probably forgot to drink their potions beforehand.

“I know the fastest way out of here.” Needle paced towards a single direction as the girl behind her chuckled to follow.

Moments like these made Daisuke forget about the argument that they had earlier.




“SHOULDN’T WE USE OUR POTIONS?” Atheleme exclaimed to the two, before Diwata took out some vials out of her bag.

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