Vaella Wyngusher (Chapter 7)

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Kira-Kira stepped forward, a large grin on her face as her back faced Rairi and Ophelia. She hummed and swung her body back and forth, energy radiated with each skip that she had gone through the road.

Pointed triangle tiled roofs with a rectangular body and wooden frames filled the side as they both walked by the average part of the City. The dust from the stone roads got kicked up by Rairi as she followed behind the Kira-Kira who traveled without a problem.

“This sure does look like an Isekai.”

“I’m starting to think Isekai means another world or something along those lines.” Ophelia tilted her head down at Rairi who repeated that word over and over.

“Yeah. It’s a genre of media where people get transported into different worlds.”

“Holy shit, like just what happened to us?” Ophelia widened her eyes and stopped for a moment, before she shook her head and continued. So that’s why Rairi has been so calm despite the shatters of reality that they go through everyday. She had already seen this happen, even if it was fictional she at least understood the situation and how it usually goes.

“Does Harry Potter count…? Wait, I think Narnia is too right…?”

“I've never heard of Narnia. But I have seen Harry Potter... Based on the definition, I think Harry Potter does count.”

As their topic that didn’t matter continued, Rairi glanced over at the girl that led them to a path where the stone became bricks, and the wood became marble.

“Where are we?” Rairi asked an obvious question as she turned around to focus on the buildings around them. She blinked, then rubbed her eyes from the golden shine that the big mansions hid behind a large gate.

“Looks like the Nobles part of the city. What are we doing here in the first place, ya got business?” Ophelia glanced down at Kira-Kira who had bounced towards the gate and almost left the two behind.

“I guess you could say that!” Kira-Kira halted and turned to them with a grin from ear to ear. She hung a basket from her hand, which was where their sweets had come from.

“From the king?” Rairi questioned.

“Nope, personal reasons!”

“...” Rairi stood on the spot and narrowed her eyes down at Kira-Kira. For a moment, she opened her mouth, but she eventually just gulped her words down. She wanted to ask her something, but she didn’t know if it would make the two laugh at her.

“Is there something wrong?” Ophelia turned to the Rairi who stopped and raised an eyebrow.

“I know this might sound like a silly question, but have you been in this world before, Kira-Kira?” Rairi’s question made Kira-Kira’s smile freeze, and for the first time she widened her eyes.

“What? Th-that shouldn’t be…” Ophelia wanted to refute her statement, but since they already have been transported into another world, who’s to say that one of the 14 people that came here had experienced it twice?

“Woah! Aha, you really are so observant.” Kira-Kira chuckled and put her hand on her hips as she pointed her chin up. She still kept her back towards them, and with another bright grin she spun to face them.

It was weird, after all. Ophelia thought that Kira-Kira was just stupid that’s why they didn’t realize the danger of the situation, since she took pictures of the king like it was the most normal thing in the world. But now that she knows of her sly behavior and how quickly she was able to get nobles on her side, the way she saw her had been flipped on its head.

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