Strategy (Chapter 26)

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Ophelia remained seated at the edge of the tower with Rairi that rested on her lap. Her gaze directed over at the distant mansion, small figures paired with sharp darkness with one of them that seemed to fade in and out with reality. 

That must be Umecho and the others.

“The only thing we need to do is make sure we can escape. The moment we are out of the influence of the Tower, it would be easier to use magic for that.” Needle whispered into the microphone while the woman beside her on the other line replied to that.

“That is if we CAN even escape!” Daisuke argued. “Without a proper offense or defense, we’re practically fucked!”

“We have both of those.” With a stoic tone, her calm yet stern voice sent shivers down their spine.

As Ophelia continued to observe the figures, one of them turned their head directly over at the girl that sat on the tower.

That piercing gaze made her halt her breath, before a voice spoke in her ear.

“Isn’t that right, Ophelia?”

Bloody hell.

Despite only being able to hear her voice, Ophelia had perfectly imagined her usual stoic stare that made eye contact with her.

Ophelia gulped and shook her head with a sigh.

“I don’t know what you want me to do. I mean, sure, I can use my guns, but she’s way too fast for me to actually aim and shoot. If I do that randomly, you’d get hit.” Ophelia mumbled towards the earpiece.

“But it might surely affect her. All we need is just a couple of seconds to escape, the moment we do you can turn on the tower again.” Needle’s argument had been oddly optimistic in Ophelia’s and Daisuke’s eyes.

“What are you even talking about?! Even if we are able to escape the mansion and get to the main city, that girl would chase us down faster than we can breathe, even without magic!” Daisuke knew better than anyone that wings of hers can accelerate her body to top speed in just a second.

“SEE! IT LOOKS LIKE SHE JUST TELEPORTED! Can we even run away from that?!”

Ophelia opened her mouth to agree, before the shifts on her lap made her freeze up.

“What’s wrong?” Rairi mumbled as she rubbed her glassy eyes to stare up at Ophelia.

“They're in trouble,” Ophelia couldn’t even finish her words before Rairi stood up from her spot.

“We need to help them.” Rairi hopped up to her feet and stared down at Ophelia that widened her eyes over at her.

“But Needle wants to turn off the tower. While that would help us, it would make the situation worse too.” Ophelia stood up and brushed off the dirt on her behind before she stared down at her.

“I trust Needle.” That was all that Rairi said before she paced towards the control room that was in the middle of the tower. 

“Hey, wait a minute!” Ophelia paced after her with sweat that dripped down her cheek.

“Don't you think this is a little bit careless?! We're giving her the ability to wield her magic!” Ophelia grabbed Rairi's wrist before she opened the door.

“Hesitating like this isn't good. What else can we do in this situation?” 

The more that they stall, the further chances they get hurt.

If they don't do anything now, they'd just leave the others to be placed in a situation that are clearly out of balance.

“I…” Ophelia lowered her hand and narrowed her gaze at Rairi.

OtaYuri: Rich Otaku Lady wishes Yuri upon this Isekai!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant