After this (Chapter 24)

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"Needle?" Ophelia questioned as she turned to who had been near the laptop.

Instead of Needle and Daisuke being at the top of the tower, the only person that sat there had been the maid.

"Where's Daisuke?" Rairi questioned as she had been lowered to the ground by Ophelia.

"She stormed off." Needle announced.

"You were being insensitive again, weren't you?" Ophelia gritted her teeth.

"I didn't know she would leave over something that small." Needle spoke and faced her back over at the two.

Ophelia narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth before Rairi placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Needle, do you have problems with processing empathy?" Rairi asked a question that made both of the girl's pause.

"I... Suppose you could say that." Needle turned to the two, her neutral expression twitched at Rairi's words.

"I see." Rairi simply nodded and smiled at Needle.

"Why don't you go look for her and the trio? We'll keep guard here." Rairi proposed something that Ophelia glanced at.

The girl had wanted to oppose her words, but from the way that Needle's hands quivered on the keyboard, Ophelia could only sigh.

"Yeah. Be careful of The Devil though." Ophelia folded her hands and approached Needle.

"I..." Needle took a breath for a moment before she stood up.

"I will. Thank you." Needle stood up and nodded at the two. She paced towards the stairwell to go down the tower.

As Needle now had been out of earshot, Ophelia turned to Rairi and raised an eyebrow.

"What was that?"

"Hm?" Rairi tilted her head and stepped towards the edge of the tower, the mansion clear in the distance.

"You just brushed aside how terrible she was to Daisuke." Ophelia raised an eyebrow and paced beside her too.

"Needle didn't know what she was doing. I could tell from the way she acts that emotions aren't a thing she knows well." Rairi glanced down at her fingers and fiddled with it.

"I don't think we should judge her for that. I understand if Daisuke is upset, but we don't have a right in bashing Needle for that, that only depends on Daisuke."

"Alright. My bad." Ophelia took a deep inhale and nodded in agreement with Rairi.

Once again, the overflowing kindness that this girl had had been constantly hammered into Ophelia.

To see things deeper than what they actually are, and not be upset at what's at the surface is a skill that Ophelia wished she had.

An understanding that doesn't need to be asked.

"Hey, Rairi." Ophelia asked for her attention, and the small girl turned towards her.

Rairi always seemed to glow whenever they're together, or perhaps that was just Ophelia's joy whenever she's near.

"When we're finished with this mess..." Ophelia turned to the side and turned red, her arm reached to her neck and scratched it.

She can't believe she's going to say this here.

"Would you go on a date with me?"

The words that slipped out of her tongue tasted like honey, yet the bitter aftertaste of Rairi's expression made her stop her breath.

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