Far too Kind (Chapter 23)

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"Hm, you don't care about etiquette." The woman chuckled as Meisa stepped in front of Rairi.

"Can't you see we're busy?" Meisa narrowed her eyes down at her, and Umecho frowned.

"My love, you'd rather protect that girl than talk to me?" Umecho spoke in a low tone, and Rairi's danger senses blared immediately.


"Meisa, wait a moment–" Rairi reached out to Meisa to stop her from speaking, she got halted.

"She's my friend, and you're my kidnapper." Meisa gripped Rairi's wrist to make her stay still and be kept behind her.

Rairi's shoulders relaxed at her words, thankful that she took her feelings to heart, yet the fact that she knew the Devil had been a yandere made her gulp.

And her fear was proven.

The feathers all around them straightened, and the edge of her wings pointed over at the neck of Rairi.

"I understand that... But please don't hold her hand." Umecho's low tone only kept the intense ruffle of Meisa's eyebrows.

"I'm holding her wrist, fool."

"Just don't hold her." Umecho's body had been completely covered in darkness, the only thing that had been proof of her existence was her yellow cat eyes that illuminated the darkness that was this room.

"Don't tell me, you're jealous?"

"That's the only reason why I took you in the first place."

The needles bundled into feathers reached Rairi's neck, and the moment she took a breath, the next thing she knew is her blood that trailed down.

Fantasy had been something she consumed the moment she knew how to think.

Yet now, to be able to see such a horrifying cliche manifested into reality...

Her heart raised.

Not by fear, but a burst of excitement.

Rairi resisted the tug of her smile.

"I-I'm just her friend. I promise I won't do anything with her." Rairi mumbled, careful to not let the needle pierce further than the tip of her skin.

"Yet you did all of this just to talk to her? Don't even say things like it was for your team. Why are YOU the ONLY one who arrived in this room?"

The Devil had a point.

Why Rairi? Daisuke, or even Atheleme, would be better at convincing than someone as a hopeless speaker like her.

With her script ripped away from her memories, she simply gulped.

"Rairi already has someone, so don't be such a brat." What Meisa had said to Rairi seemed to made the eyes in the darkness widen.



The two other girls in the room seemed to be confused at Meisa's claim.

The feathers lowered and let Rairi inhale the oxygen she has lost. Umecho had locked eyes on Meisa as her feathers lowered.

The sun returned to light the room once again, yet it only seemed to ignite a fire of curiosity in Umecho.

"Oh, don't act like you and Ophelia didn't sleep together! We're not dumb, Rairi!" Meisa turned her head towards the girl behind her and let go of her wrist.

"By quite literally sleeping in the same bed, yes." Rairi understood what she alluded to, but she didn't exactly get how it made Umecho calm down.

"Ah, so you already have a lover, huh? Is she an idiot?" Umecho chuckled and asked such an odd question that it made the other two girls pause.

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