Hopeless Ophelia (Chapter 9)

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There were soft trinkles of water from the white marble while the sun shone in the middle of the town square.

"Ya good?" "Just look at her, bobo!"

The twins each had an arm around them that came from Atheleme that they wanted to aid. While her face was still pale, she had more color than earlier when she had puked her guts out.

"Merci..." Atheleme's voice was low and gruff.

"It's their fault to begin with." Meisa shook her head in disapproval at the twins that just snickered at each other.

"Yo yo yo! Did she get her medicine?" Kira-Kira's cheer made the four snap their heads over at the trio.

Kira-Kira hopped forward to the twins and Atheleme, then crouched down to talk to them. Meisa meanwhile turned to Ophelia and Rairi, eyed down the invitation that was in Rairi's hand.

"That looks important. Where did you get that?"

"It's a noble invitation from Miss Vaella Wyngusher, Kira-Kira got this for us. Now we can have a place to rest for a while before we figure out what to do right now." Ophelia also turned to the invitation with golden accents and shrugged at her own words.

"And how exactly...? That girl always manages to pull some strings, it's impressive." Despite Meisa's smile, it was clear from her harsh tone that she worried about how she keeps doing such things.

"Well..." Ophelia opened her mouth and spoke, but the only thing that came out was a gust of wind.

Should she speak about the very complicated situation about Kira-Kira and another girl that switched bodies?

"She had some noble connections because of the king." Rairi answered with her dazed eyes that laid on Kira-Kira who had entertained the other angels.

Ophelia peeked down at Rairi and her eyes faintly opened. It was a reaction that was instinctual, but she still managed to not make it obvious in order to aid with Rairi's lies.

"That makes sense." Meisa turned to the side with a nod, but with the slight corners of her eyes indicated a sneer at the thought.

Now Ophelia can see that Kira-Kira wasn't the only person who was scary, this sleepy small woman is too.

The way she yawned and dragged her feet towards the other four made Ophelia doubt if she had been telling lies to her too.

She couldn't be, right?

But there was no indicator, even Meisa who is incredibly smart didn't doubt a thing.

If Ophelia didn't know, she wouldn't have given it another thought either.

"Alrighty everyone! I have an announcement!" Kira-Kira bounced up and patted Rairi's head to smile over at all of the angels.

"We're going to be staying at a noble's mansion today, it's some serious Mr. Beast shit!" Kira-Kira put up a peace sign near her eyes.

"Hell yeah!" "Seriously?! Ahaha! How did you even do that?!"

The twins started to clap over at Kira-Kira's words.

"Thank you very much, Mademoiselle... I'd like to go there now to rest... May I?" Even with her lips being pale, she went ahead and winked over at Kira-Kira.

"Right on~ But wait, where's Needle?" Kira-Kira tilted her head and glanced around, her eyes trailed all around the crowd of people that went by their normal lives.

"The Maid? She and that other woman had got some clothes to cover her... Sharp parts." Meisa smiled over at Kira-Kira as if she didn't just gossip about her earlier.

"You mean the horns of that dem–" Rairi was about to ask something but Ophelia immediately covered her mouth.

The people who passed by turned over at Rairi with some sweat on their forehead. But they were quick to move forward, and Rairi blinked over at them.

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