City of Pride (Chapter 6)

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The world shook, and the macaroons on the table flew up as everyone held on to the chairs for dear life.

"Weeeeeee! So fun!" Diwata cheered along with her sister.

"Woah! The roads here are pretty rough!" Ligaya exclaimed from the front of the wheel as she cackled.

"SO WHY DON'T YOU SLOW DOWN?!" Ophelia exclaimed and held Rairi in her arms.

"Grrrrhgrrrhhrrrghhrrhh..." Rairi's limp body shook from the vibrations of the car, and despite Ophelia's attempts to keep her steady, her head still bobbed up and down.

"Sh-She's right, you two. Why don't we stop for a little–" While Atheleme wanted to speak, she covered her mouth as her stomach started to reel.

"BLAAAAUGHHHH–" But in the end, her reflexes won, and she opened the door to puke outside.

"To be fair, these roads weren't made for a car but rather a carriage." Meisa mumbled and gritted her teeth as she tried to remain upright and straight despite the chaos that exploded around her.

"We don't even know what a car is." Needle spoke as she sat perfectly, the cup of tea on her hand had been completely still as she sipped it. Because she used the wind to hover herself and not be touched by everything around her.

"Can't you use that to all of us?" Meanwhile, Daisuke, who was right beside her, had a basket above her head and the bread all scattered around her lap. She glared over at the stoic needle, but sighed as she knew she couldn't do anything about it.

"Sometimes I forget that you're not from our world since you're so chill with our shenanigans!" Kira-Kira chuckled as she lifted her hands up as if this was a ride from an amusement park. "This is just like those car chase scenes in fast and furious movies!"

"Not fun! Stop the fucking car! Right gotdamn now!" Ophelia exclaimed as she held Rairi with one hand, and took a bowl from the ground to hand it over to Atheleme.

"Puke here, try to hum to maybe halt it." She mumbled to Atheleme, and the poor girl just weakly nodded before she choked to puke on the bowl.

A bump made everyone jump into the air for a few seconds, and Ophelia tripped and pinned Rairi to a wall. Their nose touched, faces so close their hot breaths could be felt on each other's lips.

"U-uh! Are you okay?!" Ophelia turned red and widened her eyes from the position they were on.

Rairi's soft sleepy gaze, slightly parted lips, a stare so deep into her eyes that Ophelia's heart got struck by heart arrows.

Now that she's so close to this girl, Ophelia was hit by her cuteness beam at point blank without any warning.

"I'm dizzy." Rairi mumbled as she held Ophelia, her cheeks pressed against her lips.

Ophelia was comfortable, no matter what situation they're in she always seems to have an instinct to take care of Rairi.

Ophelia cared about her.

Not even her parents do that.

"O-oh! That's, uhm–" Ophelia burst into a heavy blush, her head swirled with thoughts along with bombs of feelings.

Why can Rairi touch her so easily? Isn't she scared?

But this soft girl, she doesn't realize that she's a danger.

And Ophelia is selfish enough to slowly embrace her as well.

"U-ugh! Stop the fucking car or I'll summon a gotdamn gun and shoot the fucking tires!" With a burst of emotions, she lashed out at the situation that put them like this in the first place.

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