Machine Beast (Chapter 28)

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“Are you sure you’re going to be okay with your injuries?” Rairi’s back had been filled with bags, along with her shoulders having more straps that hung on them.

“Compared to the one with a hole in her stomach? Yes.” Needle’s body still had some raw muscle in the air, but at the very least there hadn’t been any bones that showed itself anymore… If that makes it any better.

“She’s lighter than I thought.” On Ophelia’s back had been the woman who had been knocked unconscious. Her stomach wrapped in bandages, doing better than her earlier state but still had been in some trouble.

Other than the full body of an Devil on her, Ophelia also had brought some bags that she gripped with her hands.

“That might be the hole in her body.”

“Maybe it's because we aren’t humans anymore?”

Ophelia’s jaw went slack at their different answers, but pushed forward with a small sigh anyway.

Sometimes Needle’s words are questionable, is it her way of joking? 

Hard to tell, due to her concrete expression.

“So… Uhm, we need to escape with us clearly being injured, what’s the plan?” Rairi knew they would be majorly suspicious if they went through security and tried their best to leave when two of them had been severely injured.

“Simple, do a runner. Where did you park the car?” Atheleme turned to Needle.

“In their park, as always. They don’t have guards with it, just some fences we can probably knock down.” 

“We still have to go through security at the gate though.” Rairi pointed out as she turned over at the gates that had been made out of metal and a large anti-magic gem in the middle.

“Just trust me, I’ll drive.” Ophelia gave a grin, as their sights had revealed the car.

The town had been draped by whispers, on why these people had been severely injured. Some even pointed out why they weren’t going to the hospital near the block, and instead went to this strange device that hadn’t been allowed to be touched by the townsfolk.

But they gained their answer when Ophelia raised her leg.


A single kick flung one of the fences around the car on the ground, and with a click from Rairi lit up the headlights and unlocked the doors.

Rairi scurried over at the other side of the car to jump on the passenger seat, while Ophelia gave Daisuke to Needle and they entered the back of the car. 

Now Ophelia sat in her seat and laid her hands on the steering wheel.

“Hahaha… Watch me.” Ophelia grinned from ear to ear, the keys in its slot and the purr of the car made her giggle even more.

With a push of a pedal, smoke blasted out of the car and covered the vehicle before it slammed into the fence and ran it over.

The recoil of the ram made them all stay in the air for a second.

“Your car is vibrating a little too hard.” Needle held Daisuke in order to stabilize the girl as they sped through the city.

“We’re going to have to fix this right after…” Being one of the people who actually created the car itself, she dreaded the day that she needed to fix this. She’d really rather not, honestly.

“Rairi, could you pretend this car is a hazard and we need to leave town immediately?” 

“Wai-Wait, huh?” This sudden throw of improv was something that slipped through Rairi’s fingers. She couldn’t even process what just happened, and then she was suddenly in a situation that she had been in the spotlight.

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