She won't betray us (Chapter 33)

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The slam of the frantic villager echoed across the silent church.

"Th-The Devil came!"

Their scream made the priestess, hidden in the darkness, turn towards them. Underneath the cloth above their eyes, a light glow of red flashed through.

"Is anyone hurt?"

"N-Not yet, but–"

"Leave it to me, then."

With the same monotonous tone, Adrastus paced towards the villager and gave him a pat on the shoulder as she faced the direction behind him.

"Tell everyone to stay inside their homes unless specifically told by me, and me only. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, Priestess."

"Thank you."


"Ah, the ones that got away!"

Above the sky, one that covered the light of the sun, had been a pair of metallic wings that reflected a flurry of lights all around her.

"What the fuck? How quick did you get here?!"

Ophelia, with an unconscious Rairi still in her arms, started to sweat bullets when the sight of the thing they ran away from had now appeared in front of her.

"My, she looks like she has been crying... Did you two fight?"

"I think that's none of your business."

"Aha, you're right. I simply came here to finish the job."

Ophelia, while her creation magic, War, had been extremely flexible, wouldn't last long without Rairi's Technological Advancement.

"We can talk about this."

"Using the same tactic as her? I didn't think you would get that stupid. You know well enough you can't compare to her."

Ophelia halted her breath, and widened her gaze at the Devil above them.

"What the hell do you know?"

"Just from your demeanor. I'm quite jealous of her, to be able to make my Mei-Mei open her heart to a stranger..."

"You aren't going to touch a single hair on her."

"And what are you going to do to prevent me?"


"Quit bluffing. The only way that you were able to even scratch me before was because of that gimmick of yours."

As much as Ophelia would hate to admit it, she was right.

That only was able to happen because they had the ability to make a situation for themselves.

"There is no tower for you to hide behind this time."

They're bared defenseless, and Rairi wouldn't awake for a couple of hours.

Faint steps came towards the three, yet all of the villagers had already hid inside of their homes.

"Haven't we already spoken about this, Umecho?"

"Haah. So you were here, Adrastus."

The General and The Priest.

Ophelia never thought that she would see two Devils talk to each other.


That brings up a question.

Why are the Devils scattered in the first place?

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