Car: Finished! (Chapter 5)

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Two girls tinkered with a machine as it hung from a chain, their new dark clothing had no sleeves in order to not get in the way of their mission. The light was filtered by the leaves as Rairi snoozed on the grass below, a pillow laid underneath her head from Ophelia.

"Is she just sleeping?" Daisuke huffed and grabbed a towel from Needle. She wiped her sweat, peaked up at the girl who had now fainted on the ground.

“Yeah. Can’t really stop her, last time we tried to do that I almost got a heat stroke so never again.” Ophelia handed her a glass of water and drank from her own, as she turned over at Rairi.

“Athy told me it’s because Ligaya drugged her… So, normally, she’s just this lazy?” Daisuke scoffed at Rairi and shook her head. She stared down at the girl who’s chest heaved up and down from her sleep, and could only narrow her eyes at it. 

“She’s not exactly lazy, she just gets really sleepy often.” Ophelia gave a small shrug and shook her head. She took note of the way that Daisuke stared at the girl she was given to protect.

“Why ask, do you have a problem with her?” She raised an eyebrow and folded her hands, but Daisuke just chuckled.

“Nothing. It’s just I think that rich people really do have their privileges, huh?” Daisuke chuckled bitterly and continued on with her work while Ophelia flinched at her words.

“I suppose they do, I am one of them after all. But don’t see me tolerating her behavior as biased, all I’m doing is just taking care of her since I can tell that she can’t really help it.” Ophelia spoke in the softest tone she could muster, but with the death stare that she gave, it wasn’t inviting at all.

“What do you even mean by can’t help it? If her body is forcing her to go to sleep, can’t she just push through it?” Daisuke blinked up at her argument, a small smile on her face despite the clear tension behind her words.

“Are you serious? She literally faints, do you think she can just stay awake?” Ophelia gripped her own arm, her nails dug into her skin as the veins on her hands popped out.

“Mmm. I don’t faint, I just… I can tell I’m falling asleep, I just can’t stop it.” Rairi answered from below them, and blinked up.

“I see, thank you for telling me. Go back to sleep.” Ophelia crouched down to pat her head and Rairi smiled in response. Her eyelids lowered and she was quick to go unconscious again.

“All I’m just saying is, it’s quite unfair that we’re doing all the work here and she’s just there sleeping.” Daisuki frowned as she found herself in a situation where she can tell Ophelia is about to blow any second now. 

“Yeah I get that. But she is trying to do her part, even if it’s not the same as us.” Ophelia glanced over at the other girls who had continued to play with their magic in the clearing beside the castle.

“The two of us can’t fight so we’re making this for them, and others are training their magic to make up for that. While all of us are busy, Kira-Kira goes ahead and just pops in and leaves like a bubble. But that’s because she’s practically everywhere all at once to keep our plans afloat along with our reputation with the nobles in the positives.” Ophelia explained as she eased her shoulders, then sat down near Rairi. She laid her hand on top of her hair and fiddled with it as a way to ease herself.

“Blimey, the girl already fixed the problem with you being a demon. Her influence fuckin scares me…” Ophelia mumbled to herself and shook her head with a small sigh.


“So,” Ophelia exasperated. “We all have some sort of contribution here, so don’t misunderstand her.”

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