City of Envy (Chapter 16)

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"Why can't I drive?!" "You know what happened last time!"

With a smooth ride, the Angels sat at the back of the limousine while Daisuke and Needle were at the front.

"Girls, why don't we focus on the snacks, okay?" Anthelme lifted up a basket of bread and gestured it over at the twins beside her. The two snatched it at the same time and chomped on it.

"Meisa is literally kidnapped yet you all care about something like this?" Daisuke mumbled and sighed, her hands gripped on the wheel.

"Focus on the road." Needle warned her as her eyes laid down on the map on the dashboard, one of her fingers that trailed a path along with the car.

"Daisuke is right, can't we just be a little serious for once?" Ophelia growled and narrowed her gaze down at the three that just played around with their food.

Do these people just not have any common sense? Even with being transported in another world, they just saw it as play. Now, someone in their group had been taken away by their enemy of war, yet they sit and munch on food.

It makes her want to puke.

"I think Meisa is going to be fine, maybe a little freaked out." Rairi laid on Ophelia's shoulders as her eyes fluttered over at Atheleme who made the two girls behave just by using food.

"A little? She's literally stuck in another place with a DEVIL." Ophelia glanced down at Rairi and gritted her teeth at her words. Ophelia never understands what is going on in her head, how everything there is bright and has the most positive outcome possible.

"How rude to Daisuke." Needle scoffed with a stone face.

"Don't assume she's talking about me." Daisuke bumped the side of Needle's shoulder with her fist as she sighed.

"I know, but they were students before a Devil. Just like Daisuke. I don't think she's actually going to hurt her." Rairi mumbled what she thought as she pressed her lips into her shoulders.

"Don't be ridiculous, the last Devil we met tried to punch me!" Ophelia's yell made Rairi squeeze her eyes shut.

The car hit a bump on the road, yet Rairi stayed in that position before she opened her mouth again.

"But, it seems that the Devil knows Meisa. I don't think that she'd try to hurt he-"

"You do know you need to stop trying to ship people right?" Ophelia's voice shot through Rairi's ears, no matter how much she wished to look away.

"I'm sorry."

"There's a limit, Rairi."

"It's my fault."

"..." Ophelia took a deep inhale and turned down at the girl on her shoulder that tucked in her lips.

"I just don't trust them, they almost hurt me." Ophelia intertwined their hands together and curled her other arm to pat Rairi's head.

This new Devil had knives as an ability, not to mention they could fly and had already been smart enough to take Meisa away from them. Ophelia knows that they're just going into their trap...

"I'm sorry."

"I already forgive you, okay?" Despite the shakes of Rairi and the quiver of her lips, the smaller girl kept close contact with her.

Rairi is wallowing in her self pity again, but still trusts Ophelia enough with their contact.

She's scared of the wrong things, isn't she?

"Mmmm." Rairi let out a small humming noise and nodded as she did.

"Everyone, we're almost approaching the city." Needle's warning made everyone snap their heads forward, yet the windshield only gave appearance to a clear field and a horizon of a mountain.

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