Episode 96 - Souma Goes to Yumuen 5

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It may be a bit sudden, but Parnam Castle has many dogs and cats. Originally, they had kept a certain number of dogs and cats to prevent rats, but the number had increased considerably since Tomoe-chan arrived at Parnam Castle. This is not like Rhinosaurus or Wyvern, where Tomoe-chan used her ability to create a breeding environment and breed them...

 The number increased because Tomoe-chan often picked up abandoned cats when she went out to the castle town. My beloved sister-in-law, Tomoe-chan's ability is to understand the language of animals, and she has contributed greatly to the development of the Kingdom of Freedonia and negotiations with the Sidians, but this ability can only be achieved by her own will. It's not something you can turn off, and in some cases you can hear voices you don't want to hear.

 Apparently, if Tomoe-chan doesn't listen, she can only hear voices uttered with extremely strong emotions, but on the other hand, cries of sadness will reach her ears. That's why Tomoe can't go near the ranch where her livestock is shipped, or the stores that sell live animals and fish. She would probably faint the day she went to a restaurant that served fresh fish (though, as expected, there aren't any in this country yet).

 The animal voices that always reach Tomoe's ears are those of abandoned puppies and kittens. Tomoe can hear the heartbreaking cries of puppies and kittens who have been abandoned by their owners, separated from their parents, and left on the side of the road. The animals in this world are tougher than the animals in the world I used to live in, and they have the strength to survive.

 Even though they are dogs and cats, they are slightly different from the worlds they used to live in, with horns growing on their foreheads and jewel-like stones (like the third eye of the three-eyed tribe) buried in them. It has bat wings on its back and a forked tail. Overall, they are quick and seem to have good combat ability.

 So a fully grown dog or cat may be able to survive in the wild, or it may succumb to ferocious wildlife outside of town. However, puppies and kittens who do not yet have the means to survive will have no choice but to weaken and die unless someone picks them up. So I desperately ask for help. When the kind-hearted Tomoe-chan hears such a voice, she probably won't be able to ignore it.

 Bring me back to Parnam Castle...

"Um... brother-in-law... that..."

 And he looked at me as if he was begging me. ...You wouldn't be able to look into those eyes and say, "Please return it to its original place." Even Rishia, who can be strict when necessary, couldn't say anything in front of Tomoe-chan, who was in tears, and left all of her decisions to me. She had no choice, so she decided to take in abandoned dogs and cats at the castle, with the condition that they be neutered to prevent them from multiplying unplanned.

 After that, an office was set up in the castle town to protect abandoned animals and find foster homes, and laws were put in place regarding pets, etc. But even so, Tomoe-chan still kept picking up abandoned puppies and kittens. It was coming.

 --And now.

"Can, can! ""Bow-wow! "
"Meow" "......"

"...um... what kind of situation is this?"

 Two puppies run around a confused Ann. And the two kittens are relaxing and acting like they don't care about me. These children were also the ones that Tomoe-chan had picked up and brought back to Parnam Castle a while ago. This was the room Anne had given me, and with Mary's permission, I released these four animals into the room.

"Oh, sister..."

 A confused Anne looked at Mary, who was watching at the entrance of the room, as if she was clinging to her. Then Mary turned away with an awkward look on her face. She was so stunned that I could almost hear Anne yelling, "Gah!" onomatopoeia. Mary has told her to leave everything to her this time, so she's probably trying not to interfere.

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