Episode 91 - Masked Couple

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 ---One summer day, several years after the continent was reorganized.

"This is Albert-sama and Elisha-sama. Welcome."
"Ho-ho-ho. It's been a while, Gatsby-dono."
"Thank you for your help."

 The former king, Albert and Elisha, who visited the Carmine family's residence in Randell, the city where the Carmine family had returned, were visited by Gatsby, the finance minister who had been married to the Carmine family for some time.Ccolbert・Carmine greeted me. Colbert took advantage of the paid leave system that was put in place after the world stabilized, and took a long vacation to coincide with the hot summer season before returning to Randell.

 Then Alberto contacted me and said, ''I want to visit you today,'' so I hurried to meet him. Colbert bowed to Alberto.

"Excuse me. My wife is currently changing the children..."

 When Colbert said that, he heard thudding footsteps coming from the upper floor of the mansion.

"Hey! Pansies in cornet! Don't run around naked! "
"Kya! Kya! "
"You're going to change your clothes and go to Grandpa's house, right?" I won't take you with me, okay? "
"Jijinchi!? Kigae Yukigaeyu!" ""

 Then I heard a woman's scolding voice and the sounds of children running around. Apparently, the female voice belongs to Mio, the current head of the Carmine family, and the children's voices seem to belong to Mio and Colbert's younger sisters, Corne and Pansy. Corne and Pansy have cute cat ears inherited from their mother, but they seem to have inherited Mio's tomboyish personality as well, and they run around the mansion energetically, swinging at Mio and Colbert.

 When asked about the noisy exchange between his wife and daughters, Colbert lowers his head, his face turning red. Elisha smiled and said, ''Rishia was like that when she was little, too,'' but Alberto ignored Colbert out of concern for him.

"Oh...what? I'm the one who suddenly said I wanted to visit. Please don't worry about it. I'm sorry for causing you trouble." "Ah,

 On the other hand, Alberto bowed to him, making Colbert flustered. Then Albert looked up and smiled.

"Your mother-in-law, the previous Mrs. Carmine, was the wife of my one and only friend Georg. I was there when she remarried and wanted to say hello. You are the one who took care of yourself and your friends. Now, Elisha.'' ''
Yes, I wanted to meet you too. Her wife has remarried, so it seems they haven't had a wedding ceremony.'' , I'd like to have the opportunity to congratulate you in person, so I'm here today."

 Elisha also says with a soft smile. Even though she already has a grandchild, she is still the same beautiful witch. Colbert was humbled by how politely she was treated by the former King and Queen. Alberto patted Colbert on the shoulder and smiled at him.

''That's why I would like to meet you, but are the ladies
at home?'' ''Ah, yes
. It's okay because I have it."

 By the way, Randell Castle is currently used as a government office, a landing place for flying dragons, a storage facility, and other public facilities. In times of peace, castles were difficult to live in, and the lords of many castled cities, not just Randel, lived under castles. Alberto and his friends also came to Randell Castle in a flying dragon gondola, and from there they had a horse drawn carriage taken to this mansion.

 Alberto and Elisha then bid farewell to Colbert as they boarded the carriage and headed to the Carmine family's villa as he saw them off. However, it wasn't that far away, so it took less than five minutes to arrive. When they announced their visit in front of the gate, the mansion's butler came out and welcomed them.

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