Episode 46 - The Winner of the Bet

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"Ludwin, prepare that"


"Excel, get ready to create a sphere of water, as soon as possible"

"Understood, Your Majesty"

After I finished giving instructions to Ludwin and Excel, I took a deep breath... and exhaled slowly. After calming down, I looked at the two of them and said.

"No matter what happens after this, you two must do your part. Absolutely, no matter what."

"" ............ ""

Their expressions hardened at my words.

"Does that mean you shouldn't act even if Your Majesty is in danger?"

When Excel asked while covering her mouth with her fan, I clearly nodded.

"Yes. Even if I am defeated by Fuuga, this battle is already over. Excel, who is responsible for the final plan, and Ludwin, who will take command of the entire army in my place, right now have higher priorities than my safety. You must not challenge Fuuga."

"If you say that, Carla will be mad at you again"

"Yes, I remember scolding myself during the battle against Amidonia. At that time, to protect my fragile heart, I was trying to act like a 'king', but... now it's different. After thinking about it with my own head, I think, if it is to protect the children waiting with Roroa in Veneti Nova, I will give my own life here."

"After we're done and you're safe, I'll make sure you get proper scolding from Liscia and the others."

After saying that and shrugging, I pulled myself together and ordered the two of them.

"I leave it in the hands of both"

◇ ◇ ◇

Fuuga was slipping towards the headquarters where Souma was. With a dazzling smile on his face. Up to this point, Fuuga had given everything he had. He used all the troops he could get his hands on for this global-scale battle, he sent all his subordinates to each front and he even had his wife Mutsumi and his beast-mount Durga fighting hard, and now he was at the place where Souma was.

He had to give everything he had to get here. In other words, he met a rival he could give his all against. For Fuuga, who possesses overwhelming strength and charisma, the appearance of a formidable opponent that he can fight with everything he has was nothing short of an occasion of joy for him. Fuuga was intoxicated with a sense of fulfillment that he had never experienced since he had been born into this world.

"Kakakka! I see you, Soumaaaa!"

Finally, Fuuga's tiger eyes spotted Souma standing at the headquarters. In the headquarters, guarded by many soldiers, the area around Souma was the only one with few people. Compared to the rest, he was clearly less protected.

(Are you trying to lure me in?... Is it a trap?)

It was certain, that they were guiding Fuuga. If he jumped in there carelessly, there would be traps and tricks waiting for him in nine out of ten places. But Fuuga didn't care. I don't even doubt it. No matter what kind of traps or tricks he had, he would jump, go through them and reach Souma with his sword. That was the way of life of the hero Fuuga Khan.

"Come on, let's settle things, Souma!"

He got close enough so that they could see their expressions, each other. It was then, that Fuuga changed position, preparing to land and accommodating his feet like those of a bird of prey hunting his prey.


Souma yelled as he raised his right hand. The moment he did.


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