Episode 12 - The Beginning of the War

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The military operations of the Great Khan's Tiger Empire were now in motion, and it seemed likely that a war would begin soon. The citizens of the Tiger Empire were eager to engage in battle against the Marine Alliance. If the neighboring countries on either side of a conflict insist on war, then the middle country is likely to agree as well, because they don't want to stand out or be criticized. This is unfortunate, but it seems to be human nature.

Fuuga was preparing a large army on the border with our country, the Kingdom of Euphoria, the Papal States of Lunaria, and the former Zem territory(Republic of Turgis). It seems that they are attacking from the home country of the Great Tiger Empire towards Parnam, the capital of our country, from the territory of the former Great Chaos Empire towards the Kingdom of Euphoria, from the Papal States towards our region of Amidonia, and from the former territory of Zem to the Republic of Turgis at the same time.

Our leaders, including me, think that Fuuga and others will definitely aim for a blitzkrieg and put their main force on the route that points directly at Parnam. But if any of our allies, the Kingdom of Euphoria, the Republic, or the Amidonia region, find themselves in an undoubtedly inferior position, Hashim will promote my unreliability and the vulnerability of the Marine Alliance, which will shake us.

Therefore, we also had to take appropriate measures for each area. The head of state of the Republic, Kuu, said: "Ukkakka! I will do something for myself so that my brother can concentrate in my place!"

Queen Sha Bon of the Kingdom of the Kuzuryu Islands also promised to cooperate with reinforcements, but when it comes to battle in the interior of the continent, all she can do is lay siege to the port cities on the coast, and if Fuuga and others decide to ignore her completely, there would be no point. Although we know that the distribution of forces is a bad idea for others, it is necessary to send troops to prepare in each place so that they are not influenced by the other party. In the words of the General of the Universal Century: "This is also painful, but the other part is also painful."

However, unlike previous times(Principality of Amidonia), there is no need to hide the preparation from Fuuga, as Chris Tachyon's news program keeps the public informed about Fuugas Army's movements. People are encouraged to evacuate from towns and villages where the crisis is likely to occur to minimize damage.

It helps that Yuno and her companions don't have to evacuate at the last minute, or burn down the villages with a fictional monster like the Flame Clown and force them to evacuate. ...Well, Yuno and her friends aren't in the kingdom because they are finishing a request right now. So for the moment, all the powers that be have been preparing for the upcoming battle.


And on this day I was in front of Fuuga on the broadcast. We already knew what the other wanted to say. That's why I said it directly.

"Can't you stop? Fuuga"


Fuuga nodded while looking me straight in the eye. As before, I clenched my back teeth at Fuuga's posture which didn't tremble at all.

"Yuriga must have presented you with another future! Was that not good enough for you!"

"Yes. That touched me."


"But times and people need an answer. With my epic, I will end this era. I can't just throw it away ...."

Fuuga had a calm face. Do you still stick to yourself even though your sister convinced you?

"I didn't think you were the type to care about the world's eyes like that."

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