Episode 16 - Who Are You Fighting For (Part 1)

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Around the same time that the bloodless battlefield was taking place on the Euphoria front. There was a front where blood flowed violently. The Lunaria-Amidonia front. The Imperial Orthodox Lunarian army, led by Anne [Holy Tiger], invaded the Amidonia region of the Kingdom of Friedonia. This front was just one of the movements against the Kingdom of Friedonia, but the Imperial Orthodox Army, made up of devout Orthodoxians from Lunaria, were willing to shed a great deal of blood.

"Victory for Santa Anne! Glory to the Holy King Fuuga!"

"Don't spare their lives! Lunaria is looking at our work!"

"The blood of heretics and pagans will lead us to Lunaria's presence!"

"Don't spare their lives! We will go to paradise as martyrs!"

While making such fanatical shouts, the soldiers of the Pope's army were rushing toward the Friedonian Kingdom Defense Forces. The Royal Defense Forces hated having to deal with this insurgent group, but they had to disperse it, so they prepared to block the invasion route so they would face them on the battlefield.

The national and financial power of the Papal States was inferior to even that of the Amidonia region, so the quality of its equipment is considerably worse than that of the Royal Defense Forces. In addition, the wounds from the previous political change had not healed, and the Orthodox Imperial Army, which should have been able to mobilize more than 50,000 volunteers, was only able to mobilize 50,000 this time around, between regular soldiers and volunteers (the proportion of volunteers accounts for more than 70% ).

The Imperial Orthodox army was readying itself for a defensive battle, and they were around 40,000 storming the Amidonian front of the Kingdom's Defense Forces. But it was just like hitting a thick steel door with your bare hands, it bleeds, and the Pope's army was bleeding badly. Still, they kept pushing. Even if the situation is totally against them, the volunteers kept advancing while being speared through the chest, and even if a comrade was killed by an enemy soldier in front of them, even if the corpse was used as a springboard, they attacked the Kingdom's soldier.

For those who have strong faith, death in combat was the path to paradise.

"Kill! Kill as many profane people as possible, such is our justice ..."

"No such road exists!"

Two long swords that flew through the air slashed, in an "x" shape, at a general who was leading the believers from a horse. She was a majestic female knight with lion's ears and tail, and she jumped on top of the general and landed with a bit of difficulty. She was Mio C. (Colbert) Carmine, daughter of former Army General Georg Carmine.

Halbert's father, Grave Magna, was the one who led the Army in the Amidonia region, and many of the military commanders assembled under his command were from the old Army, who were related to the Carmine family, or from the Amidonia region itself. They gathered the people of the lands where it was said that a part of the invasion would come. Therefore, the soldiers of this army had a strong consciousness of protecting their own territory and hometown and had a great fighting spirit.

Mio also participated in this battle as the main head of the rebuilt Carmine family.

"Victory for the saint!" "Strike the heathens!"

"Chi!" Zubashu!!

Mio took down the attacking soldiers together. Even though they had only poor equipment with them, the soldiers of the Pope's army were recklessly challenging Mio, who seemed like a strong soldier just by looking at her. When they died by her blood, they seemed satisfied.

Looking at the faces of such enemy soldiers, Mio exposed her fangs and her eyes looked furious.

"Isn't this just useless death?! The virtue of a life-saving attitude is only when fighting to protect something that cannot be delivered! It's just a waste of life, trying to charge from there and die! You guys don't even understand that!"

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