Episode 61 - Continental Restructuring

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I said, "Well," and clapped my hands together.

"Each of us gathered while we were busy managing our own countries."

 When I said that, everyone nodded in agreement so I kept talking.

"Let's start with the easy things first. First of all...The Republic of Turgis."

 Coo tilted his head, so I nodded.

"The Republic of Turgis annexed the region that was the mercenary nation Zem within the Great Tiger Empire a while ago, didn't they?"

"The old man Gimbar entrusted it to us with the belief that we would be able to rule it properly."

 Kuu said with a dissatisfied face. He seems to have misunderstood something.

"Didn't I say that I will start with the simplest things?"

 When I spoke, Jeanne nodded.

"Yes. It's an annexation at the request of the people of Zem, so even if my sister's Mankind Declaration remains, I can't criticize it. The area of ​​Zem, where there are many ruler changes, can be ruled stably. If you can take it, our country will be happy."

 When I asked the people here, they all agreed, "No objections." Kuu's eyes widened as if surprised by the fact that the annexation was so easily recognized.

"No, no, we're also in contact with the Lunaria Orthodox Pope. Is Soji's old man okay?"

 When Kuu spoke to Soji, Soji scratched his shaved head.

"I don't mind. I'll talk about it later, but our insides are too rickety to run a nation. Let the Republic do whatever they want.

" Is there anything wrong?"

 When I asked that, Kuu nodded as if he was finally convinced.

"Oh, okay. I understand. We'll be responsible for taking care of the Zem region. ...But Jeanne-dono."

It's not a lot of land and it's not rich, but if you dig a tunnel in the mountain with a drilling machine, it should develop as a hub for transportation. If that happens, trade between the Kingdom of Freedonia and the Kingdom of Euphoria will also become active. I don't think so, what do you think?"

 When asked by Coo, Jeanne glanced at Hakuya beside her. Hakuya nodded with a calm face. Seeing that, Jeanne smiled at Kuu.

"I understand. Please use it to your advantage."

 It seems that the republic has settled the matter. Let's move on to the next place.

"Next is the Garlan Spirit Kingdom, but what will happen there?"

 The Garlan Spirit Kingdom is currently divided into the conservative "Mother Island" and the "Father Island", which is a reformed and open group attached to the Great Tiger Empire. Nonetheless, it seems that the high elves of the mother island have taken the opportunity of international efforts against the magic disease, and the great tiger empire backed by the father island has lost power. Of course, the leaders of both factions, King Garra and Princess Elulu, are on good terms.

 Since they are far from our country both in terms of distance and power, I had no choice but to leave the rest of the matter up to them... but what was the result? Then, after giving Elulu a wink, Garra slowly opened her mouth.

"The Mother Island of the Garlan Spirit Kingdom has changed its policy of national isolation, and will actively interact with other countries in the future. As a result, The Mother Island is preparing to accept the High Elves of The Father Island. The two islands will now become one nation again."

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