Hey Babessssss

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I was able to finish that last chapter finally i had it half way done my computer done started being a bitch probably because I have been on it for a week straight taking like 30 min breaks to get more coffee, I finally finished this story i have been working on thank god because i felt like a zombie lol.

Anyways, If you are looking for my FINISHED shantii books (i don't update regularly any more. Its like whenever i get a break from work or w.e) then head right over to AMAZON or barnes and nobles.com Love Homicide, Love Homicide 2, along with my newest book Trap Queens are all available!!

I gave out 3 FREE ebook copies of Trap Queens yesterday to fans from I.G/Twitter/ and facebook so make sure to add me not only to keep up with what im doing but to be apart of contest and things. Im probably going to do a gift card contest soon.

ALSO i have a contest going on now, to win a FREE SIGNED COPY of my best selling book Love Homicide! All you have to do is go read Trap Queens and leave a review. Email the review to me ashantiisanders14 at gmail.com . Im picking the winner next week! I hope you all participate.

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