Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Eight: A Jedi Knight?/Find Malachor...

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Back in the Dojo, Kanan was still fighting against the Sentinel! Suddenly, the Dojo starts to shake from the Inquisitors opening the Temple, causing Kanan to be pushed back by the Sentinel and is finally knocked to the ground, causing his red Lightsaber to be knocked out of his hand! The Sentinel points his Lightsaber at Kanan, knowing that the servants of the Dark Side have come for Ezra and declares to the shaken up Jedi that he cannot fight forever!

Sentinel Temple Guard: Even now, the servants of the Dark Side come for your Apprentice... You cannot fight forever!

Kanan frowned, remembering what Eldra said from earlier back on the Ghost...

Kanan: It's safer this way... Eldra, when the two of us were facing Kaitis and the Two Inquisitors, he revealed that the reasons he hates Ezra so much is because he saw Anakin striking his Master down, before his assumed fall to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader!

Eldra frowned, knowing that Ezra is conflicted right now before giving Kanan some advice that he cannot fight or protect Ezra forever, not even from himself if what Kaitis said was really true!

Eldra: Even I believed that before I get it from someone else knows the real truth that isn't a Dark User, and I most certainly don't! You cannot fight forever, Kanan... You can't protect Ezra forever! In fact, if Kaitis's story is true, you can't even protect him from himself... All you can do is what you have done, train him the best you could like our own Masters did with us!

As the girl's words faded from his mind, Kanan deactivated his own Blue Lightsaber, knowing that they are both right about Ezra!

Kanan: (Sighs) You're right... I can't protect Ezra forever... Not even from himself! All I can do is what I've done, train him the best I could...

As the Sentinel raised his Blades above the Jedi's head, Kanan bowed as he prepared for his Death... But instead, the Sentinel was performed a old Knighting Ceremony with his Blade gently on both Kanan's shoulders!

Sentinel Temple Guard: By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Kanan Jarrus, you may rise...

Kanan reopened his eyes to see what was going on and stood up as the Sentinel turned away, confused what this means!

Kanan: Wait, what does this mean?

The Sentinel removes his Mask, revealing himself to be the Former Grand Inquisitor, the person that he once was before joining the Empire, explaining that Kanan was now a Jedi Knight like he was with the Jedi Order very so long ago!

Grand Inquisitor: It means you are what I once was! A knight of the Jedi Order...

Kanan frowned, he was shocked at both revelations and completely speechless! However, the Former Inquisitor knew that the Temple was falling, before he told Kanan to go while he delayed the enemy as long as he possibly could!

Grand Inquisitor: It means you are what I once was! A knight of the Jedi Order...

Grand Inquisitor: The temple is falling... Go! I will delay the enemy...

While the Jedi was still in shock by what he just went through just now, he eventually nodded before he runs out of Dojo to find Ezra and the others! Back in the main Chambers, Ahsoka had recovered from her little moment with Quinlan's help before they both stood up, knowing that there is still a way to save Anakin...

Ahsoka: There's still a way...

The two of them quickly made their way out of the shaking Chambers, before finding a doorway out of the Temple! But while the others were making the way out of the Temple, Ezra was still confused on how he could save his Father from himself...

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