Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three: Ezra brings strange backup!/Back in action!

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Meanwhile, the other Crew Members of the Ghost found themselves cornered by Yushyn's guards and TIE fighters! Zeb knew that they had to find Ezra, refusing to leave without the kid a second time!

Zeb: We need to find Ezra!

Sabine frowned as she and Zeb blasted at the Guards, as much as she wanted to find Ezra, she knew that without fuel they couldn't find anybody yet!

Sabine: Without fuel, we can't find anybody!

Kanan deflected the Blaster Fire, before telling Hera the bad news about Ezra, knowing that they need to get out of here right now!

Kanan: Ezra's down... We need to get out of here!

Hera frowned, knowing that she was almost done with loading the Fuel Canisters!

Hera: Just a few more seconds...

Suddenly, Yushyn shows up, telling the Rebel Thieves to Surrender!

Sabine: Time's up!

Yushyn: Surrender, thieves... You are at my mercy!

Kanan frowned, not believing that they were about to lose to this guy!

Kanan: I can't believe we're gonna lose to this guy...

Yushyn frowned, growing impatient for their answer!

Yushyn: What is your answer?

Zeb frowned, knowing that they were doomed now!

Zeb: That's it, we're doomed!

Ezra: Kanan, don't worry! We'll be right there!

Kanan seemed relieved that his Student was okay, but was also confused by what the kid meant by that!

Kanan: "We"?

Just then, everyone saw that Ezra was riding on top of King Purrgil with both his Lightsabers activated with the rest of the Purrgil, much to everyone's shock and surprise!

Hera: I don't believe it...

Kanan: We found Ezra!

Yushyn however, did not share the amazement as Ezra's friends did, before ordering his men to blast at the Creatures!

Yushyn: Blast those disgusting things!

With their new reinforcements, Kanan and the others managed to fight back against the Minding Guild Forces! While riding on a Purrgil, Ezra even used his both his Lightsabers to slash off the wing radiator of a TIE fighter as he rode on the back of the Purrgil King, causing it to explode in space!

Ezra: Heh, Sorry!

Kanan smirked as he and Ezra both waved at each other, nice moves! 

Kanan: Nice moves!

Ezra: Learned from the best! How's the Ghost, Spectre-4?!

Zeb smiled, knowing that the Ghost was now back in action since this was the last Fuel Canister!

Zeb: We're back in action! This is the last one! Go! Go!

Hera: I'm trying!

As Hera headed to take off and pick up Ezra, Yushyn decided to focus on them and instead of the Beasts!

Yushyn: Forget the beasts! Stop that ship!

Ezra placed a calming hand on the Purrgil King's eye, telling him and the others to hold them off and finish their own mission while they cover them!

Ezra: Hold them off... I'll cover you!

Just then, Ezra turned to see Kanan waving at him, time to go now!

Kanan: Time to go!

Ezra quickly jumped onto Ramp, reuniting with Kanan as the two went inside the Ghost! Meanwhile, Yushyn was attempting to leave so that he could man a cannon, but was cornered by two Purrgil!

Yushyn: Keep away! Keep away!

But they didn't, as one of them grabbed him with its jaws and dragged him down into the depths of the planetoid below! Before they left, Hera bombarded the asteroid refinery in order to deny it to the Empire, causing it to explode! With Yushyn's business gone, Hera knew now that the Minding Guild would not be a problem with them or be helping the Empire anymore...

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