Chapter Forty-Four: Reunited/Nothing left to Fear!

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Later in the Imperial Prison hallway, Ezra had just finished cutting the vent open by using both of his lightsabers before entering the hallway and deactivating his sabers, before reattaching them to his belt! Ezra walks a little before reaching out with the Force and senses which Cell that Kanan's in, before opening the door! But when he enters, Ezra was shocked to see that Kanan was unconscious in his own Torture Chamber, briefly remembering the comfort his Master gave him after he rescued Ezra from his Torture Chamber on the day that they first met...

Kanan: (Approaches Ezra, before placing a comforting hand on the kid's shoulder.) Are you hurt? Now, let's take a look here...

Ezra started to quiver before he buries his face in Kanan's shoulder.

Ezra: I'm sorry, I was just trying to save you guys from the Empire's trap... I-I didn't know...

Hera and Sabine watched sadly as Kanan held Ezra gently in his arms, trying to calm him down!

Kanan: You're safe... That's all that matters!

He gasped in concern for Kanan's well being before he rushes forward to help his Jedi friend!

Ezra: Kanan!

Ezra rushes forward before unstrapping his friend from the Torture Chamber, causing Kanan to collapse onto Kanan's shoulders! Ezra's worry for Kanan's weakened state started to rise, seeing that his Master didn't know that Ezra had come to rescue him!

Ezra: What have they done to you?! Come on Kanan, wake up!

Kanan's body stiffed a little bit, afraid that it is Kaitis or the Grand Inquisitor again!

Kanan: (Gasps) Stay away! (Groans)

Ezra gently patted Kanan's cheek, like his friend had done for his Padawan on the asteroid Base that felt so long ago!

Ezra: Come on, find your way out, Kanan... Come back to us... Come back to me...

Gently but weakly, Kanan started to regain the sense of where he was!

Kanan: (Groans) Oh! Huh?

Seeing that his Master didn't seem to be harmed or hurt in any way, Ezra checked to see if his missing friend was feeling alright!

Ezra: You okay, buddy?

Kanan shook his head before turning to see that it is Ezra, who is alive and unharmed!

Kanan: (Groans) I think so... Ezra?

Ezra smiled with relief before he helps Kanan stand up a little bit!

Ezra: (Sighs with Relief) There you are! It's alright, Kanan... It-it's okay, you're safe! I've got you... 

The two of them shared a little hug before Ezra helped Kanan to his feet and started to walk out of his Cell!

Ezra: Heh, turns that you taught me pretty well!

Kanan: (Sighs and laughs with Relief) You know, you shouldn't have come here for me... (Grunts) But I'm actually glad that you did, Ezra!

Ezra smiled at his Master, knowing that Kanan would do the same for him if their roles had been reversed! In fact, Kanan already has, reminding him of when he had rescued Ezra from a Star Destroyer as well on the day that they had first met each other...

Ezra: Kanan... If our roles had been reversed, you would've done the same for me! In fact, you already have! Now come on, I'm getting you out of here...

While Ezra helped Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and Hera were looking for another way out when they run into some more Stormtroopers! Zeb shoots one of them with his bo-rifle before he and the others head the other way! Sabine hopes that Ezra has rescued Kanan by now!

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