Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Rescuing Sato and the Crew!/Rex gets captured!

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On the other side of the ship, Kanan and Rex were almost to the cell that held Sato and the others in! But the bad news was that they ran into some unwanted trouble with more Trooper blaster fire and Rex was trying to hold them off Kanan unlocked Sato's cell door!

Kanan: Never expected to make it this far with you for a partner...

Captain Rex: You know, you're not the first Jedi I've fought beside!

Kanan: But probably the last...

Before Kanan went to unlock the cell door, he saw that Rex's aiming with his blaster was terrible, just like a Stormtrooper!

Kanan: Wow... You really do shoot like a stormtrooper! Guess I don't have too much to worry about!

Rex groaned, knowing it's his blasted helmet that makes it hard for him to see probably!

Captain Rex: (Groans) It's this helmet! I can't see!

Rex threw the helmet at one of the Troopers, knocking him out of cold! Kanan unlocked the cell door, revealing Minister Tua, Commander Sato and the rest of the crew! Sato stood up as Kanan took his helmet, revealing who he really was instead of another Stromtrooper!

Kanan: Commander!

Commander Sato: Kanan?

Kanan tossed both the Minister and Sato a spare blaster, before they remembered that Titus was with Ezra!

Commander Sato: They're keeping Ezra in a separate cell! We have to find him!

Kanan placed a relaxed hand on Sato's shoulder, trusting his Padawan to take care of himself right now!

Kanan: Ezra's doing fine!

Minister Tua and Sato frowned, realizing that Ezra was right about earlier!

Minister Tua: Wait a minute, you mean he's escaping from the Troopers even though he's hurt badly?

Commander Sato: On his own?

Kanan smiled briefly, knowing that Ezra tends to do that!

Kanan: Yeah... He tends to do that!

Everyone saw that there was too many Stormtroopers, Kanan knew that they were going to have to do this the hard way!

Kanan: We don't have time for this! I'll pull, you fire!

Rex smirked, some things never change!

Captain Rex: (Chuckles) Just like old times!

Kanan: Settle down, Captain!

Captain Rex: Whoa... Whoa... What's going on? I can't stop!

As their little Force push works against the Stormtroopers, the Minister sighed... Kanan and Rex could've warned her that they were going to do that!

Minister Tua: (Sighs) You could've warned me you two were going to do that!

Captain Rex: Now where's the fun in that?

Suddenly, Kanan's comlink beeps, causing Ezra's voice to answer it!

(Comlink Beeps)

Ezra: Kanan? We're on our way back! 

Kanan: Ezra! I think that Kaitis and the Seventh Sister are staying out of this one while Titus is still onto us!

Ezra: Yeah? We've noticed! Where are you?

Kanan: We're headed for Sato's ship!

Ezra: Roger that! Me and Chopper will be right there!

But while Ezra and Chopper made their way to Kanan's location, Rex noticed that there were too many Stormtroopers!

Captain Rex: There's too many of them! (Groans) I'm too old for all this running...

Rex stayed where he was, confusing Kanan what the old Clone was up to now!

Kanan: What are you doing?!

Captain Rex: Get those men out of here... They need you! I can slow them down! Now go!

Kanan frowned, knowing that now isn't the time for Rex to try and impress him!

Kanan: Stop trying to impress me!

Rex sighed, Kanan and the others don't have time for this!

Captain Rex: I'm not trying to impress you! I'll see you back at the ship!

Rex shuts the door, much to Kanan's shock and concern! But as the old Clone Captain tries to lose the Stromtroopers and slow them down, one of them stuns him, knocking him out cold!

Captain Rex: (Groans)

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