Chapter Forty-Three: Ezra comes to the Rescue!

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Soon the Imperial Transport had exited Hyperspace, arriving at the Mustafar System! Hera went over the plan, knowing that failure is not an option!

Hera: Fulcrum says that she, Eldra, and others are on their way over here right now! I'll send in our transponder code and Sabine's little present as soon as we know Kanan is there! Ezra?

Ezra sighs, knowing that he can do this!

Ezra: Well, here goes nothin'!

Ezra closes his eyes, putting his energy and focus into the Force so that he could find Kanan! Zeb is a little bit nervous since the kid is taking a while!

Zeb: So, anything?

Sabine rolls her eyes from under her helmet, telling Zeb to give the kid a minute!

Sabine: Give him a minute!

Zeb: We don't really have a minute!

Hera turns to Ezra nervously, hoping that they aren't too late!

Hera: Ezra, is he there?

Ezra concentrated hard enough and soon he felt Kanan's soft Force signature. In his Cell, Kanan's green eyes opened up in shock, feeling Ezra's gentle Force signature!

Kanan: (Gasps) Ezra?

Ezra's opened in shock and happiness, feeling that Kanan was alive!

Ezra: He's there. H-he's alive!

Hera smiled, before sending the codes in for the TIE and Fulcrum!

Hera: Sending codes!

Zeb and Sabine smiled, so far so good!

Zeb: (Zeb chuckles) Never doubted you for a second, kid!

Sabine: Nice going, Ezra!

Inside the Star Destroyer, the Imperials surprisingly bought Ezra and Sabine's TIE Fighter trap!

Imperial Officer: Transport Ship 63378 cleared for docking, we have 10 TIEs inbound with reinforcements... Open Bay 5!

Hera smirked before turning to Chopper, time to send in Sabine's little present!

Hera: They bought it! Chop, send in Sabine's present!

Choppers beeped in affirmation and turned to send in the TIE! Sabine's painted TIE lands in Bay 5, just as two Stormtroopers pass by to see it!

Stormtrooper 1: That's not regulation!

Stormtrooper 2: I kinda like it!

Sabine smiles as she presses the blow button on her explosive remote, causing the stun charges that are in the TIE to go off and shut down the entire ship, and knock out most of the Stormtroopers! In Kanan's Cell, the Grand Inquisitor and Kaitis saw the lights flickering, knowing that Ezra and the others are here! Kanan's eyes weakly rolled in shock, knowing that Ezra really is trying to rescue him!

Kanan: They're here...

Grand Inquisitor: So predictable!

Kaitis comlinks suddenly beeped as Tarkin is talking to him about their little power problem!

Kaitis: Yes?

Governor Tarkin: We've lost main power, some kind of pulse detonation in Bay 5!

Kaitis: Go to auxiliary power, me and the Grand Inquisitor will deal with Ezra ourselves!

As the two of them leave, Kanan nods at Crosshair to go and take care of Kaitis! The rogue Trooper nods, promising that Ezra will be okay! As the Imperials deal with their own problems, Chopper locks the Transport with one of the vents! As Ezra gets up to open a way through the vents when Sabine saw that the kid was a bit nervous about facing Kaitis again!

Sabine: You, uh, all right? 

Ezra frowns knowing that unlike Kaitis, saving Kanan is what matters to him right now!

Ezra: It doesn't matter, saving Kanan is what matters!

As Ezra pulls out both his lightsabers to open the vent, Hera turns to Chopper before she leaves with the others! 

Hera: This shouldn't take long, keep the engine running!

Chopper beeps in understanding, as she and the others leave! Inside, Ezra uses both of his lightsabers to burn the wall open, so that he and his friends could enter the Ship! After brushing the burns from the melted circle off his hand, the others enter as Ezra and Sabine turn to some unconscious troopers, who are bound to wake up soon!

Sabine: These guys will wake up soon!

Ezra: How soon?

Zeb: Too soon, I reckon!

Ezra nods, before leading Zeb and others to the Cell where they're keeping Kanan! 

Ezra: Come on. This way.

Meanwhile, Tarkin and the Officer are doing their best to restore power while waiting for reinforcements!

Imperial Officer: The Destroyer is down to emergency power and life support only!

Governor Tarkin: I have been sending an all-clear message to the rest of the fleet! As soon as we miss an interval, they send reinforcements... And that interval is up now!

True to his word, reinforcements are being sent right now! From the Transport, Chopper saw the Empire's reinforcements and didn't like the looks of this! Inside the Ship as Hera and the others hurry to find Kanan, Chopper beeped through the pilot's comlink, trying to warn about the Empire's backup, Hera is shocked that Tarkin got reinforcements that fast!

Hera: Reinforcements already? That was fast!

Sabine tried to ease her friend's worry, it'll take those Troopers a while to find them!

Sabine: Don't worry! On a ship this big, it'll take 'em a while to find us!

However, Sabine spoke too soon as some Troopers showed up and blocked the corner that they were heading around!

Stormtrooper 1: Drop your weapons! Hands up!

Ezra rolled his eyes before pulling out his blaster/lightsaber before stunning one of them!

Ezra: They found us!

He and the others try to go the other way, but more Troopers block their way again!

Stormtrooper 2: It's the rebels!

Ezra grabs Sabine's hand, leading her and the others down another hallway!) This way!

Hera shuts the Blast Doors shut by shooting the controls with her blaster before Ezra turns to her!

Ezra: Stand back!

Hera does so and Ezra manages to burn the controls shut with both of his lightsabers! Sabine was impressed, before asking the kid what's next in the plan!

Sabine: Pretty clever, kid. So what's next?

Ezra knew that they had to find some other way to rescue Kanan since he just cut off their only way to get to him!

Ezra: Kanan is down that hall, I just cut off our only way to get to him!

Hera and Zeb look up, both getting an idea!

Hera: Might be our only way, but it's not yours!

Ezra looks up, seeing an air vent above him that's just his size! Zeb gives him a boost, before helping him into the vent and wishes them good luck as he rushes off to rescue Kanan! Hera turns to the others, knowing that they need to find another way out!

Hera: Let's go! Let's go!

Meanwhile, back on the Imperial Transport, Chopper is still waiting for Fulcrum to answer so that she and her friends could help them rescue Kanan! Suddenly, a transmission comes in and Chopper sees that it's Fulcrum!

Fulcrum: This is Fulcrum. Who is this?

Chopper answers in droid language, telling where they are right now!

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