Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven: Freezing.../Mysterious Creatures?

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At the Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery that was owned by the Mining Guild, the Ghost Crew was traveling there to get supplies for their Ship and their Phoenix Cell, since they were low on Fuel and Power! Hera was in the cockpit, when she asked Sabine for a Fuel Status!

Hera: Sabine, fuel status!

Sabine saw what her Status before giving it to Hera, knowing that it was not good news!

Sabine: .05... We're almost down to fumes!

Hera sighed, knowing that she has to divert more power from thermal subsystems!

Hera: (Sighs) Yeah, that's not good... Sorry, guys... Have to divert more power from thermal subsystems... Reducing heat to two percent!

While Ezra didn't seem to mind the cold that much as he did, Zeb was freezing!

Zeb: Our intel on this fuel source better be solid... (Groans) I'm losing feeling in my fingers!

But Sabine knew that it was solid, since she saw the report herself!

Sabine: Saw the report myself... Somewhere in this belt, the Mining Guild's been refining Clouzon-36 for the Empire! One shipment of that stuff could fuel us and all the ships in Phoenix Squadron for a full cycle... And the Empire is scheduled to pick up their shipment today!

Kanan smiled, knowing that they just have to get there first!

Kanan: We just have to get there and find it first!

But Sabine and Zeb were having trouble with their both sensors and scanners!

Sabine: The asteroid field is scrambling our sensors...

Zeb: Well, I'm getting nothing on the old visual scanners!

Hera rolled her eyes, telling both Zeb and Sabine to cut the chatter so that they could keep their eyes open for that refinery!

Hera: All right... Cut the chatter... Keep your eyes peeled for that refinery!

However, Ezra kept hearing a noise through the Force, confusing him a little... Kanan sensed that something was wrong before he asked if the kid was okay!

Kanan: Ezra, is there something wrong?

Ezra: Does anyone hear that noise?

Zeb rolled his eyes, the only thing that he hears is his brain freezing!

Zeb: The only thing I hear is my brain freezing!

But Ezra didn't pay attention to Zeb's smart remarks right now, he kept hearing it, and it was getting louder!

Ezra: There! The noise... I hear it again! And it's getting louder!

But Sabine didn't see anything while Kanan asked Ezra it sounded like to the kid, knowing that his Student is not making this up and is Honestly telling the Truth!

Sabine: I don't see anything out here...

Kanan: What's it sound like, Ezra?

Ezra shrugged, knowing that it's hard to describe right now! It was kind of sad but even

Ezra: It's hard to describe... Kind of sad, I guess. But... I mean, how can you not hear it? It's coming from all around us!

But even though Kanan believes him, Sabine doesn't since there's nothing to hear right now!

Sabine: Ezra, there's nothing to hear!

Hera knew that Sabine was right, but she trusted that Ezra was telling the truth as much as Kanan did, before asking Sabine to check the scanners once again!

Hera: Sabine, check the scanners again!

But Sabine didn't have to, seeing several large space-dwelling creatures appear infront of them!

Sabine: Don't have to! Look!

Hera them as well, knowing that this can't be good!

Hera: Brace yourselves!

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