Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: Fire-Forged Friends... /I'll always come back!

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Safely away on their ship, Commander Sato and Minister Tua were thanking Ezra, Kanan, and Rex for their help!

Commander Sato: Gentlemen, my crew and I owe you our gratitude!

Minister Tua: All three of you...

Ezra smiled before he turned to Kanan and Rex, glad that they can fight really together when they aren't fighting each other!

Ezra: Thanks, Commander, Minister... You know, when you two aren't fighting each other, you fight really well together, Jedi and clones! Now I get it!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting Chuckles)

Ezra and Chopper left so that Kanan could have a moment alone with Rex!

Kanan: Kids... You know, crazy ideas!

In their words, Rex thanked Kanan for saving him back there as the Jedi offered his own respond as well!

Captain Rex: (Chuckles) Yeah. You know... Thanks!

Kanan: Yeah... Yeah. I know!

Captain Rex: Well, I guess there's nothing more to say about it...

As Rex begins to leave, Kanan tells him to wait!

Kanan: Hey, Rex...

The two of them do a respectful salute knowing that Kanan has earned a new found respect for Rex now! Later that evening on the way back to Garel, Ezra sat alone in the ship's cockpit! He remembered his talk with the Minister and Sato about who Kanan was as a good friend...

Minister Tua: Look at that big pushover... You know, Ezra, I've never had a friend who would risk his life for me!

Ezra: Yeah, Kanan's... He's a good guy!

Commander Sato: Yeah, he is... Well, good night!

Just then, Kanan comes to join the kid in his own seat as well! He noticed that the kid seemed to be troubled by something!

Kanan: Can't sleep?

Ezra frowned, before telling Kanan he wanted to thank him for coming back for him!

Ezra: I wanted to thank you... For coming back!

Kanan frowned, remembering how Ezra really didn't think that he and others would come back for him when he got captured by Agent Kallus on the day that they first met the kid...

Ezra: Look, I just met those guys today. I don't know anything!

Agent Kallus: You're not here for what you know, "Ezra." You're here to be used as bait upon our return to Lothal!

Ezra: Bait? Wait? You seriously think that... (Laughs Sarcastically) Wow, you're about as bright as a binary droid. They're not gonna come for me... People don't do that... Thank you... I really didn't think that you would come back for me!

Kanan: We're not going anywhere, Ezra... You're stuck with us for the long run! Got it?

Kanan placed a comforting the kid's shoulder, the same way that he did that day when he reassured Ezra that he was stuck with him and the others!

Kanan: Hey... I'll always come back! You would've done the same for me... In fact, you have!

Ezra smiled a little bit, feeling a lot better! Kanan told the kid something that he was not expecting...

Ezra: I know!

Kanan: Caleb...

Ezra: What?

Kanan: My real name is Caleb Dume... Someone other than Hera, Hunter, and all the others might as well know!

Ezra smiled bittersweetly, remembering what Kaitis and the Seventh Sister had told him earlier..

Kaitis: Surely you know how dangerous it can be out there for Kanan as much it was for him when he first lost his Master as a kid, don't you?

Seventh Sister: Lord Vader was rather impressed with young Jarrus... It must be so difficult for him now without his master!

Kaitis: Yes... Kanan Jarrus, or Caleb Dume whichever... Such a pity his master chose the path that she did and fell to such a meaningless end!

Ezra shook his head, he liked Kanan much better than Caleb, no matter what Kaitis and his Inquisitor siblings said about his Jedi friend!

Ezra: Hey, for the record... I like Kanan Jarrus much better than Caleb Dume!

Kanan smiled, believing that he is ready to talk about Depa now!

Kanan: Well... Then you would be among the very first ones to think so, but thank you... And kid? I think I'm ready to talk about Depa!

Ezra smiled, knowing that Kanan is learning to let go of his Past and have Peace with it!

Ezra: Well then I am all ears, Kanan!

As the two of them talked things over about Kanan's past, Rex smiled from afar after he changed out of his Stormtrooper armor... The Rebellion couldn't ask for a better Jedi General, nor him, Ezra and the others couldn't ask for a better friend!

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