Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven: Hera's Invisible Scars!/Trust issues...

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Later back in Hera's Cabin, Ezra was helping Hera repair Chopper a little bit, before he asked gently but confused what is going on between Hera and her Father!

Ezra: Hey, so... What's going on between you and your father?

Ezra handed Hera a wrench, which the young Pilot fiddled with as she explained things to the young boy who means well!

Hera: We haven't spoken in years! He was a hero in the Clone War, fought with the Jedi to free Ryloth from the droid army... But after the war, the Republic became the Empire and refused to leave, so he started fighting them! Once my mother was killed in the Resistance, Ryloth's freedom became the most important thing to him...

Ezra seemed shocked and hurt that Cham would only care about freeing Ryloth and neglected his own Daughter in the process, especially since losing Eleni Syndulla left Hera even more hurt by the Empire's crimes! Ezra also knew that Hera's story and reasons sounded painfully familiar to him, remembering his conversation with Kanan about Kaitis a Year ago back at the Spire...

Ezra: Well, if you must know... When me, Eldra, and Kaitis were little kids we were... The best of friends! Day after day, we would go on amazing adventures together on Lothal, facing the unknown together... At least we did until...

Kanan: Until what?

Ezra: It was almost Five Years ago, Eldra devised a plan to search for any surviving members of the Jedi Order to help rebuild a Jedi Resistance and overthrow the Empire!

Kanan: (Gasps) Whoa...

Ezra: Eldra had always believed in Hope for the Galaxy ever since I was born, she wanted to give you and so many other survivors a better future, Kanan! Kaitis thought it was way too risky, especially with my adoptive parents imprisoned by the Empire! However; when me and Eldra wanted to go through with our dream on my 10th Birthday and didn't tell Kaitis, or anyone else for that matter... He told an Inquisitor about us and betrayed us! Turns out, he's also the reason that his own parents were arrested just because he hated me, blaming me for the loss of his Master! I... I couldn't keep Eldra safe, the same way I couldn't keep my adoptive parents safe either! I watched him and the Inquisitor almost kill my adoptive Sister, she was his big sister before I came into the picture for years, and they nearly killed the both of us in a second! The both of us were lucky that two Rogue Clones named Crosshair and Echo as well as an unaltered one named Omega pulled the both of us out of the fire wreckage! After that, Eldra went to join Fulcrum while I worked on earning enough money credits to buy myself a ticket so that I could leave Lothal! Once Kaitis joined the Empire and left the both of us for dead, freeing Lothal under Vader's rule seemed to be the only thing left that mattered to him anymore!

Kanan seemed shocked and hurt that Kaitis would choose the people who took everything from him, over Ezra and Eldra and his own parents! Especially since Master Kenobi asked them to take care of Ezra for him...

Ezra paused for a moment, before repeating the same question that Kanan gave him back then!

Ezra: More important than family?

Just then, their conversation was cut short by Cham's arrival outside the the Cabin door, who informs the Three of them that it's almost time and that they should be heading out for the mission soon!

Cham: It's almost time... We should head out soon!

Ezra sensed that Hera wanted to talk to her Father, so he got up his Seat and started to leave... But before he exited the room, Ezra muttered bitterly to Cham that Family is always more important to him and nothing else, not even Lothal's freedom!

Ezra: Well, there's nothing more important to me...

As Ezra shut the door behind him and left, Hera smiled a little bit at the young Padawan's Words... Even if own Family and people thought of her as a traitor, she could always count on her Rebel Family to support her! Hera frowned at her Father, before he commented on Chopper... He had recognized him as the old Astromech that his Daughter had found earlier during the Clone War when she was younger...

Cham: Isn't that the old Astromech that you found during the Clone War?

Hera put her wrench off to the side before getting up from her Seat, replies cooly that the Droid's name happens to be Chopper!

Hera: His name is Chopper!

Chopper beeped in affirmation, agreeing with his most trusted Crew Member! Cham sighed, knowing if Hera gave him more attention that she gave Chopper, they'd have liberated Ryloth and won it back from the Empire by now already!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping in Affirmation!)

Cham: (Sighs) If you gave me half the attention that you gave this second-rate junk pile, we'd have liberated Ryloth by now!

Chopper grunted in protest, knowing that another one of their famous arguments over both Ryloth and the Rebellion was about to happen once again!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting in Protest!)

Cham: This is what's wrong with you, child! You hold on to the wrong things, devote your time and effort to lost causes! What a waste...

Angry at that, Hera's voice slips into a Twi'lek accent, before she defends her devotion and actions to the rebel cause!

Hera: I am not wasting my life... I help people! I lead ships into battle! I am part of something bigger!

Cham disagreed, knowing that outsiders cannot be trusted or to have their Faith in, reminding his Daughter of what happened when their Family trusted the Republic during the Clone Wars before it turned into the Empire!

Cham: The Rebellion! I thought you knew better than to put your faith in outsiders... You forget what happened when we trusted the Republic!

Hera placed both her hands on her Father's shoulders, knowing that this different and that the Rebels were fighting to free everyone, even her own Home Planet!

Hera: This is different... The rebels are fighting to free everyone!

But Cham didn't seem to care about that he shrugged Hera's hands off, repeating the same mantra that he has said to her since her Mother's Death all those years ago!

Cham: Free everyone? I don't care about everyone! I care only about Ryloth!

Cham turns to the Cabin Door to leave, unable to resolve his difference opinion with his Daughter... But before he did, he heard Hera said something very bitter in her own normal voice!

Hera: So I've noticed...

Cham seems shocked at that those words but shook them off like he did with Ezra's own bitter words from earlier, before he left the Cabin as the door closed shut behind him! Hera sighed gently, before turning her attention to repair Chopper a little more! She knew that Chopper, Ezra, and all the other Members of the Ghost, Phoenix Squadron, and even the Bad Batch supported her... She just wished she could get her own Father to see why she left Ryloth in the first place like she did with Captain Howzer!

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