Chapter Ninety-Five: A little more colour!/Sabine's mission...

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On a nearby crate far from the Ghost, Sabine was giving one of Ezra's cadet helmets a paint job! The one she was painting right now was a gift that Hunter had given him a few days ago, the second one was a gift that Zare and Jai had given him, along with a pair of Cadet clothes after their Imperial Cadet rescue mission! As she painted the helmet with her paint spray gun, Sabine begins humming a special song of how it was always happy in life, no matter what happens with the Empire...

Oh, yeah...
Living like I'm on the edge of surreality,
But I know everything is gonna be cool,
As long as you're here with me!
We're gonna lighten up each other's load,
When bumps and curves come on the road,
Cause we are all in it together,
And that's forever!

It's always Summer on the Ghost in Garel!
And in December,
We're singing la-di-da-da!
It's always Summer in Garel!
On the Ghost in Garel!
It doesn't get better than that!

Just then, Ezra came up behind her!

Ezra: Alright Sabine, what's the problem? I'm missing Omega beating Rex, Wrecker, and even Zeb at holochess again!

Sabine giggles at that, before giving her masterpiece that's painted on Ezra's Cadet helmet that Hunter gave him a few weeks ago!

Sabine: (Giggles) Thought that I would give Hunter's gift a little more colour it'll help you during training with me and Kanan... Not to mention it'll help you during low-profile missions!

Ezra smiled before putting it on and pressed the open and off button on his helmet's wing shield!

Ezra: I like it! Not bad use of the color either, Sabine!

Sabine: Thanks! Like I said...

Ezra and Sabine: You/I paint what you see when it comes to art! (Chuckling)

Suddenly, another voice sneaked up behind them, scaring Ezra!

Kanan: Hey, uh, guys?

Ezra: (Screams)

Ezra fell down on the floor as Sabine helped him up to his feet before the kid pulled his helmet off!

Sabine: Kanan!

Ezra: Kanan! Do not sneak up behind me when I'm hanging out with Sabine, whether it's down time or training time! When your student and friends are in the zone, leave them alone...

Kanan: Sorry, I do that! It's a Jedi thing...

Sabine sighed as she placed their helmets underneath one of their arms while holding it against one of their hips, she will never understand Kanan's Jedi traditions!

Sabine: I will never understand your Jedi traditions, Kanan...

Ezra: (Giggles) That makes two of us! Anyway, is there something wrong?

Kanan: Oh right! Hera wants to see you two...

Ezra and Sabine shrugged at each other, even they didn't know what Hera had in mind for them this time! Near the Ghost, Hera was sending one of their pilots to pick up some fighter parts that are in some crates at the marketplace!

Hera: Vaux, you're picking up our fighter parts in the market... The crates are labeled "Ronto Meat." And watch out for Imperial troops... They've increased patrols... Good luck!

Vaux nods before leaving, just as Chopper, Ezra, and Sabine approached her! Hera smirked at the new paint job that Sabine had given Ezra's helmet!

Hera: Nice paint job, kid!

Ezra: Very funny, Hera! Now Kanan said that you had another mission... What do you want us to do?

Hera smirked, Sabine's in charge of this mission actually!

Hera: Actually, this one's for her!

Chopper hits Sabine's leg, saying that's not fair!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: Ow! Hey! Was that really necessary?!

Chopper: (Beeping Chuckles)

Ezra hit Chopper's dome, knowing that Sabine is fully capable of leading a mission as much as he is!

Chopper: (Groaning Beeps)

Ezra: No need to rain on her Mandalorian parade, Chop! It's great that Hera trusts you to lead a mission for Phoenix Squadron, Sabine... Ignore everything that Chopper just said!

Chopper: (Groaning Beeps)

Sabine smiled before asking Hera what the mission was!

Sabine: Why, thank you! (Giggles) What's the mission, Hera?

Hera handed a data pad to show Sabine and Ezra, seeing a courier with on the pad's blue screen picture!

Hera: There's a courier coming in who has secret information... I need you to pick him up and transport him to the Havok outpost!

Sabine: Sounds easy enough...

Ezra: If it was that easy, she'd send someone else! 

Sabine: Good point... 

Hera: Ezra's right... This information is important! We have to get it through... So try to keep a low profile!

Sabine smiled, reassuring Hera that she can trust her to handle it!

Sabine: Don't worry... You can trust me! What's this courier look like?

Hera: I don't know, but they'll respond to this code phrase...

She hands the pad to Sabine, as Chopper notes that it'll be like looking for a needle in a hay stack!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping) 

Sabine: Got it!

Chopper beeped with a groan, knowing that this has a bad idea written all over it while Hera disagreed with him!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Hera: Hey, she can be low profile just as good as Ezra can! Right, kid?

Ezra frowned, he trusts Sabine to keep a low-profile more so than Chopper!

Ezra: Her? I trust her to keep a low profile, Hera... Chopper? Not so much! And don't make me remind you of a mission of when Chopper's bickering almost got you guys killed before I joined you guys!

Hera frowned, remembering how missions go high-profile sometimes when Chopper is in charge of a mission!

Hera: Alright Ezra, point taken! You can be... Backup, along with Chopper, but she is in charge!

Ezra: Understood! We better keep our helmets on, just in case the mission does end up going high-profile!

Sabine smiled as she and Ezra left along with Chopper before doing as he suggested, he likes the way the kid thinks!

Sabine: I like the way that you think, kid!

Hera smiled at the two of them before they left with Chopper, just as Kanan joined her... Hera saw that the Jedi was troubled by something!

Hera: Kanan, are you all right?

Kanan smiled bittersweetly at Sabine and Ezra, proud of the woman and man the kids were slowly and quickly starting to become!

Kanan: They grow up so fast, our students... Our kids...

Hera smiled, feeling the same exact way!

Hera: Yes, it is the way of things...

Kanan: Indeed...

Little did they know that Kanan's Jedi influence would have more of an effect on Sabine than it has done on Ezra!

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