Chapter Sixty-Six: Darth Sidious's message.../Another Inquisitor?

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Aboard his Star Destroyer, Agent Kallus was telling Darth Vader the good news about the Rebel Fleet!

Agent Kallus: With their command ship destroyed, the Rebel Fleet has been shattered! You have them on the run...

Darth Vader was delighted at the news, but he needed to speak with his Master first before he could plan the Empire's next attack!

Darth Vader: Clear the bridge, I wish to speak to my Master...

Agent Kallus: Yes, Lord Vader...

As the Dark Lord of the Sith left for his personal chambers, Kaitis knocked on the door!

Darth Vader: You may enter!

The door swung open, causing Kaitis to enter! He was curious as to why Vader summoned him here!

Darth Vader: Kaitis, I need to talk to you...

Kaitis: Lord Vader, how can I help you?

Darth Vader: There's more to our victory over Anakin's son and his Rebels than you or Agent Kallus realize, young one...

Kaitis: We've been friends for a long time since I joined the Empire! I was only trying to help him capture Zeb and young Skywalker, I hope I'm not in any trouble!

Darth Vader: It's no trouble, I just needed to speak to you and my Master about something more than our victory over the Rebels in the Lothal System!

Before Kaitis could ask what that meant, the blue hologram of Emperor Palpatine, otherwise known as Darth Sidious appeared, calling them all the way from Coruscant!

Darth Sidious: Lord Vader, Commander Bridger, have you two dealt with the rebels in the Lothal system?

Darth Vader: Yes, Master! They are broken...

Kaitis: Indeed, my Lord... With their Command Ship destroyed, the Rebel Fleet has been shattered! We have them on the run now...

The Emperor smirked evilly, that was good news indeed! However, he sensed within his own young Sith Apprentice that there was something much more to Vader's victory over Ezra and his band of Rebels!

Darth Sidious: That is good news indeed, young one! And yet I sense within my old friend that there is something more to your victory!

Kaitis was curious to know what Lord Sidious meant by that! Seeing that there's no reason to hide it any longer, Vader explained what he had felt earlier during his space battle with the Ghost Crew!

Darth Vader: I believe the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker lives and is in league with these rebels!

Kaitis stood up at once, remembering his old Jedi friend who was once the apprentice of General Skywalker during the Clone War when he and Eldra were little!

Kaitis: W-w-wait?! "The apprentice of Anakin Skywalker?! You mean to tell me that Ahsoka Tano is alive and is with her old Master's youngest son?!

The Emperor frowned, even he was shocked to know Anakin's old student was alive and was with the youngest son of General Skywalker! He wanted to be completely sure that Vader really did sense her!

Darth Sidious: Are you certain?

Vader frowned, it was her for certain!

Darth Vader: It was her...

If Vader's feelings on this matter were completely crystal clear, then Kaitis knew that this was an opportunity that they couldn't pass up!

Kaitis: This is an opportunity we cannot let pass... Skywalker's apprentice could lead us to other lost Jedi!

Vader agreed with his young Sith Apprentice, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's old Master!

Darth Vader: Such as Kenobi...

The Emperor agreed if he still lives... Until then, they must be patient!

Darth Sidious: Perhaps, if he still lives... Be patient, my old friend! For now, Kaitis Bridger, dispatch another Inquisitor to help hunt them down! 

Darth Vader: As you wish, my master...

Kaitis: It will be done, my Lord... And I think I know just the Inquisitor who can help!

Darth Sidious: And remember young one... I want any of these remaining Jedi alive, especially Ezra Skywalker! No disintegrations...

Kaitis reached for a holopad the thought never crossed his mind!

Kaitis: Never crossed my mind, your Majesty!

As the hologram of the Emperor disappears, Kaitis begins to contact an old friend!

Governor Pryce: Governor Arihnda Pryce of Lothal, who is it?

Kaitis: Arihnda, it's me...

Governor Pryce: Kaitis Bridger, how may I help you?

Kaitis: Yeah hi, I actually need another Inquisitor sent to me and my Master! The Fifth Brother!

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